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Finola's LIttle Blog
creative caribbean
Interests: Arts, Travel, Photography, Life, Development, Alternative Technology
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A course of strong antibiotics, as many sufferers know, can successfully treat an infection but cause a troubling side effect: chronic, racking diarrhea. The debilitating digestive problem is caused by the medicine scouring away all of the friendly bacteria in the gut, leaving toxin-producing bacteria to overrun and inflame the colon, a condition that can last for months, years, or a lifetime. via I am squeamish about this - just can't get my mind past the ingrained ukkiness of it! For all my preference for natural 'alternative' treatments...I confess, I think I'd like the beneficial bacteria extracted, cleansed... Continue reading
Reblogged May 7, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via Interesting article - now I understand the futures and derivatives terms a bit better...still don't understand the greed that drove so much of all this. Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 29, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via Ok, I haven't read the NY Times article but this is an interesting read, worth reposting I think. You know, for a lot of us also, we could eat less meat...that's what I'm trying to do and buy local meat too - St. Lucian raised chickend and pork - it's way better than the imported stuff anyway :-) Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 23, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via Interesting...a lot of money in this eh? Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 19, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via Fry Fish and Fly...I'm glad to see they used RECYCLED cooking oil because of the problems with farming oil producing plants (cutting down trees, mono-copping, pesticides etc) but I wonder if we produce enough oil for cooking that we could sustain recycled oil flights??? Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 15, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via I wonder what's happening with St. Lucia's waste to energy project??? Go Barbados! Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 12, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via Congrats Davina! Wishing you lots of success! Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 4, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via not a major fan of wind farms, but MAJOR fan of our little islands looking to other energy sources than petroleum. Way to go Antigua... Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 4, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via so true - from the smallest micro-biz to the big $ projects. It is unfortunately based in a lot of genuine tiefery though, with many a person having had their business ideas stolen by people who they trusted. That said, it is not an excuse in this day and age - the world is too connected and as this article points out, others are trusting and moving forward and these forums are open to us - the internet has made so much more available...and that includes your own idea, even when you've ' kept it secret' ... someone... Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 2, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
You don't get a lot of groupies at election counts – especially not grown men waiting for hours in the cold for a middle-aged politician to emerge from a municipal leisure centre. But the Bradford West byelection wasn't an ordinary election and the man who won it by a landslide was a far-from-ordinary man. via We didn't see eye to eye, but he certainly was a very interesting person to work with! Seems he still has a whole setta charisma! Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 30, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via become a beekeeper, help keep somewhere as free of pesticides as you can and full of flowers for the bees...we need them to tend our food sources. Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 29, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via I'm sorry, I apologize to my American friends...but I can't help but consider this another indicator of why war is so important a thing to the US economy...let's face it - 'defense' is a loosly used term except in the minority of cases...but with the money spent on 'defense' who can afford for the world to stop being at war? Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 20, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via What a way to spend your time! Fantastic. Perhaps collaborating like this, citizen by citizen could be a way for us to get a lot done... Just read a post about losing cultural traditions - echoed instantly around the world - with a suggestion that we collaborate to raise awareness and find, record, revive our traditions... Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 17, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via Here we go again...PLEASE let it happen this time!!! Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 27, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via Here's a lovely freebie from my friend Tracey Chan and 21 other inspired women! Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 5, 2012 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via Gift-giving is always an art...and just like the ability to draw, we all have some of it inside us...we just need to open our minds and let it come out Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 31, 2011 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
Reblogged Dec 29, 2011 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via a cute n practical list of ways you can say thanks and show your gratitude Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 22, 2011 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via It fascinates me that we hear so little - barely even a whisper - about Iraq these days ...and I cannot help but think that the media is somehow hushing things up - we hear about stuff going on elsewhere - and surely the information and questions that immediately come to mind, contained in this article are newsworthy? Who owns the oil producing businesses? How can a super oil-rich country be unable after 7 years of 'development' not be able to supply basic electricity to it's people...surely that would be a priority? Too many un-asked questions... I don't... Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 16, 2011 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via this issue of lack of maintenance has been something I've talked about for years regards everything in St. Lucia - I'm sure many ppl have done the same. Hadn't thought about the issue of who keeps the NGOs in check though - a valid point. I'm not sure I get the spreadsheet thing though, that's completely unclear from the talk - will have to look it up. But whether it's hardware that's installed or training done - the follow up is what makes it all actually truly 'aid'; otherwise, for true, it's just spending donors money and pretending... Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 14, 2011 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via Fantastic resource! 300 pages of Barbadian artists - great job to the creators. Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 13, 2011 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via proving once again that anything can be used to make a sculpture - just your imagination required in addition Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 10, 2011 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
Reblogged Nov 13, 2011 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog
via Read the signs...great peek into what 'Occupy' is all about Continue reading
Reblogged Nov 13, 2011 at Finola's LIttle Blog's blog