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Pittsburgh, PA
Interests: apartment co-op decorating food books art textiles interior design opera blues history travel cats container gardening and the all
Recent Activity
Hello, it is Lindy here, with a later note. Recently, I have come to realize that a horizontal slice of a store-bought panettone makes a perfect trifle cake layer, fitting exactly in my trifle dish.I start with one layer, soaked with rum, do a few layers of custard, pudding or fruit, and then add a second cake layer, cut from the same cake, with more rum.This is so perfect, with its little bits of candied fruit, and brioche like texture, that it just elevates the trifle heavenward. Yes, it is really good, friends.
Thanksgiving: Trifling with Tradition
I am a pretty staunch traditionalist when it comes to Thanksgiving, so my pinfeathers are a bit ruffled this year. First of all, I can't make my usual family dinner at my place. In the past, I have been able to more or less inflict my view of this holiday on my nearest and dearest via my willing...
Lindy added a favorite at Adventures in the Pointless Forest
Jul 30, 2011
Lindy added a favorite at Adventures in the Pointless Forest
Oct 10, 2010
Lindy is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
You are so welcome, Holly. Thanks for the kind words.
The Hunt For "Chinese" Chews 1957
My mother, formerly a really terrific and imaginative cook, has given up cooking for reasons I don't entirely understand. She has not, however, given up food , although she no longer reads cookbooks in bed, like novels, a trait she has passed on to me, and to my daughter. My mother has retained...
Well, this is just not right. I wanted to set out the paint colors I'm using, but the calibration is just too uncertain on the computer. Also, the images keep rearranging themselves, willy-nilly. So they are gone for now, until... Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2009 at Place Mark
Lindy has shared their blog Toast
Oct 18, 2009
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