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Dave E.
Interests: Fishing, obviously. Lately I have gotten into vegetable gardening, with mixed success so far. I love works about history, American and otherwise, cooking good food and accompanying that with some good drink, if you know what I mean. I love a good political debate when people of different perspectives, but good will, talk in good faith. Er, or I mostly miss that.
Recent Activity
Why Trump?...Because Middle East Peace
For decades, the so-called experts in the Washington DC foreign policy establishment have given the Palestinian leadership veto power over any peace talks with Israel. And time and again the Palestinians have exercised that power to reject any deal. The... Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2020 at Fish Fear Me
Why Trump? Because...Identity Politics
I plan on voting for Donald Trump on November 3rd. Some of my friends and family are with me on that, others are as dismayed with me as they were 4 years ago. Regardless, for me it's really the only... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2020 at Fish Fear Me
Since I have friends and family who live in Minneapolis I want them to succeed too. I just think many of the leaders' assumptions are fantasies and jamming this proposal through in a rush is going to lead to a lot of people getting hurt, and damage that will not be easy to fix. The mostly small businesses that were looted and burned need Minneapolis to show they can create a secure environment or they will not come back.
Drove along Lake street(my old neighborhood) the other day for the first time since the riots. Sad beyond belief.
Bender's Folly
Today the Minneapolis City Council, led by Council President Lisa Bender, approved by a 12-0 vote a proposal to amend the city charter to remove the language requiring a police department and replace it with a Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention. What that would look like exac...
Bender's Folly
Today the Minneapolis City Council, led by Council President Lisa Bender, approved by a 12-0 vote a proposal to amend the city charter to remove the language requiring a police department and replace it with a Department of Community Safety... Continue reading
Posted Jun 26, 2020 at Fish Fear Me
So far the "plan" appears to be:
Phase 1: Disband the police.
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Utopia!
In the end I think they will nibble around the edges like dispatching non-police to low priority calls, which might even do some good in freeing up cops for priority 1 calls. But that's about it. Too many sociopaths in Minneapolis doing too much violence to think there will be any significant reduction in officers.
They have succeeded in creating an atmosphere where confronting police is encouraged. That makes the next deadly encounter all the more likely. Hot mess is right.
Nothing Will Change
This is my post about the death of George Floyd and the looting and burning of my old neighborhood in Minneapolis, where I don't actually say much because nobody gives a shit about the truth anymore and it wouldn't do any good. I mean, the Minneapolis City Council had the gall to issue this unan...
Nothing Will Change
This is my post about the death of George Floyd and the looting and burning of my old neighborhood in Minneapolis, where I don't actually say much because nobody gives a shit about the truth anymore and it wouldn't do... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2020 at Fish Fear Me
Planet Of The Humans
I spent part of this year's Earth Day watching Planet of the Humans, a documentary on renewable energy brought to us by Executive Producer Michael Moore, Producer Ozzie Zehner, and Director Bill Gibbs. It is available for free at that... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2020 at Fish Fear Me
Crazy how fast the left & Antifa went from “punch Nazis” to “punch gay Vietnamese-American journalists.”— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) June 29, 2019 Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2019 at Fish Fear Me
Let's Get Ready To Rumble
Looks like Portland PD is going to have a busy day: Dueling demonstrators are set to assemble Saturday in Portland, signaling the city’s first potential clash of the summer between right- and left-wing factions. Online postings indicate two right-wing demonstrations... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2019 at Fish Fear Me
Decision 2020
Watching two nights of Democratic Party presidential debates greatly helped me determine who I'm going to vote for November 2020: Donald J. Trump. Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2019 at Fish Fear Me
Happy Birthday, US Army
Happy 244th Birthday to the US Army. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our GREAT @USArmy. America loves you! #ArmyBday— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 14, 2019 Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2019 at Fish Fear Me
I have friends and family who still smoke. I've let them know I'm here if they want help quitting, but I'm not going to badger them about it.
I loathed the whole smokefree crusade when I was a smoker, but now I'm glad they won as well. If that makes me a hypocrite to some people so be it.
Nine Years
Today marks nine years tobacco-free. And I haven't picked up the vaping habit either. There are still times I miss smoking, but I don't miss being addicted to nicotine or the smell of cigarette smoke on my clothes, in my car, and in my house. I certainly don't miss the expense. Figuring 1.5 pack...
Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm...Mohamed Noor Edition
So former Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor, convicted on two counts last month in the killing of Justine Damond, was sentenced to 12 1/2 years in prison today. But this struck me as odd: [The judge] sentenced Noor for the... Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2019 at Fish Fear Me
Nine Years
Today marks nine years tobacco-free. And I haven't picked up the vaping habit either. There are still times I miss smoking, but I don't miss being addicted to nicotine or the smell of cigarette smoke on my clothes, in my... Continue reading
Posted May 29, 2019 at Fish Fear Me
Gorgeous...from inside with a fire in the fireplace. :)
Happy Spring!(North Shore Edition)
It was.
Mohamed Noor was convicted on one count each of Murder in the 3rd Degree and Manslaughter in the 2nd Degree. He was acquitted on the charge of Murder in the 2nd Degree. He was immediately taken into custody and will be sentenced in June. The murder conviction surprises me, the manslaughter one d...
I have little hope they will come to their senses.
My Congresswoman Is A Moron...A Continuing Series
There is no occupation of Gaza, there hasn't been for 14 years. And if Gazans would act like humans instead of barbarians there wouldn't be any crises at all. How many more protesters must be shot, rockets must be fired, and little kids must be killed until the endless cycle of violence ends?...
I Don't Think I'm The Only One...
...Who tends to root for the creature about to be eaten alive: Octopus sucks onto blogger's face as she tries to eat it alive via @MailOnline— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 7, 2019
Yeah, I'll see how realistic it is. It's probably easy for me right now since there's not a lot of stuff I need to buy.
So I've pretty much had it with China and its fucked up trade attitude. I'm going to do everything I can to avoid buying products made in China. It's not a matter of cost, it's the principle of not buying stuff from a country that makes it their policy to lie, cheat, and steal every chance they ...
So I've pretty much had it with China and its fucked up trade attitude. I'm going to do everything I can to avoid buying products made in China. It's not a matter of cost, it's the principle of not buying... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2019 at Fish Fear Me
I Don't Think I'm The Only One...
...Who tends to root for the creature about to be eaten alive: Octopus sucks onto blogger's face as she tries to eat it alive via @MailOnline— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 7, 2019 Continue reading
Posted May 7, 2019 at Fish Fear Me
My Congresswoman Is A Moron...A Continuing Series
There is no occupation of Gaza, there hasn't been for 14 years. And if Gazans would act like humans instead of barbarians there wouldn't be any crises at all. How many more protesters must be shot, rockets must be fired,... Continue reading
Posted May 7, 2019 at Fish Fear Me
"You Can Kill Them Now Or You Can Kill Them Later"
You can hear Margaret Sanger cheering all the way from Hell: Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2019 at Fish Fear Me
Mohamed Noor was convicted on one count each of Murder in the 3rd Degree and Manslaughter in the 2nd Degree. He was acquitted on the charge of Murder in the 2nd Degree. He was immediately taken into custody and will... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2019 at Fish Fear Me
Both sides gave closing arguments in the Mohamed Noor trial yesterday and the case went to the jury. Deliberations continue this morning. The defense claimed a "perfect storm" of circumstances that led to the split-second decision to shoot Justine Damond.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2019 at Fish Fear Me
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