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DC burbs MD side
Mildly insane mother of four crazy kids
Interests: Motherhood, reading, writing, rubber stamping, pregnancy, heart disease, breast cancer, large families, breastfeeding, depression, blogs
Recent Activity
Exactly! Thats what makes this so hard.
Doing the Hard Things
"Mom, I'm not ready for this test. Can I stay home and study for it, then make it up later? Please?" I hugged him hard, told him to just do the best he could, and sent him to school. He told me later that he almost cried and felt sick to his stomach just before the test. He said he thought he wr...
Yes. This. Last week I registered my youngest for kindergarten. Two weeks before that we discovered my oldest, my 12 year old, is taller than me.
Sigh. Too fast.
The magic of parenting
For eight years I've tried my best to make sense of being a parent. Deciphering secret codes, following unwritten rules. Searching for instruction manuals that just don't exist no matter how hard we look and Google or how much our friends and neighbors and random ladies at the aisle in Target tr...
Thanks for the input, Ill remember that if there is ever a next time. I ended up taking it to the Genius bar, and they replaced it for half the cost of a new one. I actually like that for right now, because my son is paying for it and it gives him a chance to learn a hard lesson now while the stakes are lower. We ended up getting him an Otterbox case for the new one and hes learned a good lesson about taking care of your property and not putting electronics in a hoodie pocket. :-)
Rest and Recovery and then Not
This winter break from school has been wonderful. Quite rejuvenating. I've slept in every day, at least until 9, some days quite a bit later. BigDaddyFish got up with the kids and kept them under control until I got up and let me get up as I wanted to, not because someone else woke me up for bec...
That's awesome! He's a funny kid.
My kids can go to my husband's sister to get dirt on him, but there's nowhere they can go to get dirt of me, but me! They could ask my dad or my sister, but they were a mess around that time and can barely remember all their own problems, much less mine. There are advantages to being the most functional one in a dysfunctional family sometimes :-)
On Apples and Trees and All That
While in line at CVS buying Valentine's- "Mommy, when you were a kid did you ever get in trouble?" "Why yes, I did get in trouble." "Why? What did you do?" "I got in trouble for lots of different reasons." "Did you get in trouble a lot?" "I got in trouble a fair amount, Michael." "Do you think ...
That's awesome! He's a funny kid.
My kids can go to my husband's sister to get dirt on him, but there's nowhere they can go to get dirt of me, but me! They could ask my dad or my sister, but they were a mess around that time and can barely remember all their own problems, much less mine. There are advantages to being the most functional one in a dysfunctional family sometimes :-)
On Apples and Trees and All That
While in line at CVS buying Valentine's- "Mommy, when you were a kid did you ever get in trouble?" "Why yes, I did get in trouble." "Why? What did you do?" "I got in trouble for lots of different reasons." "Did you get in trouble a lot?" "I got in trouble a fair amount, Michael." "Do you think ...
Awesome! I think deep down inside, most people are good people. I'm glad they were good to you. Boo on that gas station attendant for shrugging! Odds are they had a slim jim in there, he just didn't want to go out in the cold.
Hope your training went well after all that.
In Which My Idiocy Restores My Faith In Humanity
Friday was one of those crazy working mom days. I had an all day training an hour from home and schools were closed. Michael's aftercare program was opening, but late, so Doug was going to have to go into work late to drop him off. I wasn't even sure my training was going to happen due to sno...
Awesome! I think deep down inside, most people are good people. I'm glad they were good to you. Boo on that gas station attendant for shrugging! Odds are they had a slim jim in there, he just didn't want to go out in the cold.
Hope your training went well after all that.
In Which My Idiocy Restores My Faith In Humanity
Friday was one of those crazy working mom days. I had an all day training an hour from home and schools were closed. Michael's aftercare program was opening, but late, so Doug was going to have to go into work late to drop him off. I wasn't even sure my training was going to happen due to sno...
Restaurants are nuts - I dont eat out much anymore, but if I do when its not a day off, I automatically pack up at least half my meal to take home, and I get at least one, usually two more meals out of it. Its crazy. And I dont get dessert - Ive had a hard enough time convincing Brusters that I dont want the equivalent of 2.5 scoops of frozen yogurt in my single scoop. I make them give me the toddler serving, but I really wish I didnt have to.
This is How I Did It
People keep asking me how I've gone about losing the 22ish pounds I've lost so far. I've been repeating myself far too often, so I figured this would help. Exercise. I wake up and try to figure out how I'm going to fit exercise into my day. I make great plans, but really only get to follow throu...
HAHA! Yeah, well, I was walking, so that involves a bit of leaning...
For My Grandmother - A Team of One
For my grandmother Jean H. E. And for Karen M., my godmother, and Susan N., my blogging friend. And all others who face this battle. 1 hour, 20 minutes, including bathroom and water stops. Still turtle like, but not bad considering the heat and humidity and that you are limited a bit by ...
I really cant say I am, either, but fortunately weve been able to avoid a lot of that. Its a good league, and we lucked out with a good team and great coaches who have the right perspective.
Being the Hero When You Needed it Most
Saturday morning, Little Man whined on my bed "I don't want to go to this game. We have two games this weekend. Why do I have to go to all the games? It's boring and I suck." I took a deep breath, and reminded him that it was important for every player to show up, because if they didn't the team...
I caught my daughter at Limited Too trying to steal a bunch of junk that they have at the front of the store, I think she was 8 at the time. I made her give it back to the clerk and confess, and that clerk did the same thing! I remember when I was 5 I stole a pack of gum and my mom took me back to the store and the manager was very very stern and told me he wouldn't call the police THIS TIME and I was a mess. I so wish that had happened, but the girl was probably 17-18ish and still really a kid herself. I wish there was some secret wink or something we could give those in stores that says "I want you to come down hard on my kid, but don't arrest her" and they'll act the part.
First it's Balloons, Then They're Knocking Off a Liquor Store
I took two of my boys shopping yesterday. I'm pretty sure taking your sons shopping is considered torture by The Geneva Convention and Amnesty International. Anyway, I went to their store of choice, Sports Authority, because one can never have too many basketballs, hockey sticks, or baseball...
No, hok, then it's the Lego empire. I just figure I'll have a clean house sometime when they're in high school. Til then, I just have to make sure I wear shoes in the house to avoid impalement.
I Want That House
Yes, here is where I confess to having house envy. Except it's not a bigger, fancier, more lavish home that I desire. No, to the contrary, the actual floor plan and decor have no weight in my yearning. It's the fact that when my neighbor across the street invites me in with an "excuse the mes...
*blush* thank you so much. We try hard - shes number three so I hope weve learned a thing or two by now. This was an easy thing. Its so much harder when they think nothing of taking other peoples stuff without asking.
The Confession
The first time she came down the stairs, she said she heard a noise and was scared, so she couldn't go to sleep. BigDaddyFish and I listened intently, checked for likely culprits and, finding none, sent her back to her bed. She proceeded to kiss and hug us at least 8 more times before heading ba...
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Mar 15, 2010
Believe it or not, before we bought this house, we thought long and hard about where wanted to look and one of the factors was whether or not the house was powered by Pepco or Allegheny Power. Hope your power stays on - you can always dig north to our apocalyptic mess. We've got heat and power, and an abundance of crumbs on the floor to provide extra insulation.
Power Failure Is A Complete Failure All Around
I just spent the past 73 hours without power in my house. In a blizzard. More if you count the 8 hours we lost power, and then it came back on for 8 hours, just to lose it again, for 73 hours, straight. And what I encountered during that time was a complete failure by our electric company t...
Thats a good idea, Angi, maybe well try that when we can get thru the door!
Need a little R&R
The last couple of weeks have been some of the most stressful weeks in our lives. To make a long, long, convoluted story very short, my husband has been offered more than one very lucrative job. He doesn't make decisions easily or well, so this has been difficult. He wasn't even looking for a jo...
I've got 4 kids, girl, boy, girl, boy. The only real difference with my son was that it happened later, but quicker once it did. My oldest was trained when she was about 2.5, so around 2 I started talking to my son. He wanted nothing to do with the potty. Flat out refused to sit on it unless fully clothed. We tried everything you could think of to get him to use it, to no avail. He just didn't want to. I knew he knew how, and what he was supposed to do there, but he just didn't want to. So I left him alone, and let it go. I'd ask if he wanted to go sit on the potty probably once a week-ish, but didn't push. Then, when he was 3 years 9 months and I had despaired of him EVER using the potty (but preschool wasn't an issue because of a late birthday), he woke up one morning and said "Mom, I use the potty today" and he did and that was that. He NEVER had an accident unless he was sick. So that ended my potty training career - my next daughter trained herself when she was 2.5, I think by watching her sister, and my youngest is a boy, and he's now 3, and he is doing the same thing as his brother - just. not. interested. So I'll wait him out, because I know he knows how to do what he needs to do, he's done it once or twice before. But I don't want to cause any trauma by forcing the issue, so I'm just asking periodically. It can be so frustrating, though, I feel for you. Also consider that there's a good chance of regression for your son when the baby comes, anyway, so you may just want to wait it out. I've done two in diapers twice now, and I've been changing diapers for the last 10 years with only a two month break, and if I can survive that, anyone can. Good luck!
Help! I Have to Potty Train a Boy!
I am the mother of three kids. This means that, at least by a couple people, I am considered something of an expert in the realm of parenting. I don't know if having a lot of kids makes me any more qualified to give advice than a parent of one child, but I am happy to admit that I have learn...
It might not be as inevitable as you think - they arent that tall (neither the beds nor the kids). We did that apurpose.
Those Kids
It's been a while, hasn't it? Back in the summer I thought it would be so wonderful when school started, because then I'd have three of the kids gone all day and I could both focus on the baby and also get some work done around the house. I was dreadfully wrong on one account: I am spending tons...
So, when did you move into my live, hmmmm? :-) I've just embraced the mess. I figure I'll clean it up when all 4 of them are in school. My husband had a quick learning experience this past weekend, though, when he picked up a new matchbox car set my older son got for this birthday, boxed it up, and put the box under our stair gate for someone to take it up to my son's room the next time they went up. He turned his back, and said that in 15 seconds the 2 year old had shimmied under the gate, grabbed the car set, opened the box, and strewn it across the room. I said "See?" This is why the house looks like it does. I'll never get ahead. And that's okay.
Resistance (to a Messy House) is Futile
You know what is one of life's great exercises in futility? Cleaning for a party. My son's preschool class came over to my house last week for a potluck barbecue. When the class rep had put out an email looking for someone with "a big backyard," I knew that she was imagining the vast expanse o...
Sue, I live in Germantown - you should have DM'd me and I'dve gotten you to a gas station easy peasy without a detour. Some of Germantown is nice, but don't be mislead by where you ended up; there are wonderful neighborhoods here, but most of Germantown is townhouse farms, and I live in one. My yard is small enough that we could cut it with scissors if the weedeater goes on the fritz, we don't need a lawnmower. That pretty new school you saw? It already has dozens of portable classrooms and is overcrowded. We have gang problems, and the crime rates aren't good; we certainly can't go anywhere and leave the doors unlocked (well, some people do, but they're crazy, not the norm). My husband commutes 1.5 hours each way to work. Our "walking distance" Starbucks is 2 miles away, which isn't too bad but it's time consuming to walk 4 miles for a coffee. We do indeed need to plan on making a day of it any time we go into the city. There are pros and cons to everywhere, so don't be fooled by a bit of "grass is greener" syndrome (pun intended) :-) I look at our living situations as not better or worse, but simply different. And variety is good :-)
Inner Suburbs/Outer Suburbs
A few weeks ago, my kids and I got lost in the wilds of Germantown. We were trying to find a gas station after a fun afternoon at the South Germantown Recreational Park and I was relying on my psycho GPS to lead me to some fuel. I eventually found a gas station on my own after my GPS led ...
Oh, poor kid. Poor Jodi. That sucks. We had a similar issue with Little Man. We went to our pediatrician, who is wonderful, and told her our concerns. She referred us to someone to talk to, just us, not him, who agreed with us. Then we took that information to the school, to show that they were being jerks, but it was in the most nice, respectful way, and there was no adversarial thing happening. Might this be an option for you?
There is something I have avoided talking about here because it feels wrong. It feels inherently like it is Michael's story to tell, not mine. We are getting to the point that at 4, I feel like Michael is entitled to privacy that this blog does not allow. But it is also my story, and the time...
I am so happy for you - new year, new house. Enjoy!
It's Better Than Shoe Friday
It's champagne Thursday! No the glasses don't match and we are not all unpacked but it does not matter. Because we are here. Home. .
I used to work in a Stride Rite and we regularly fit kids with extra extra wide feet. Do they not have them anymore? We didn't stock much but I used to special order all kinds of stuff. Do they not do that anymore?
Sorry, after living for years with a women's size 4.5 foot, I truly sympathize. It sucks. Sorry you, and poor Michael, have to go through that.
The Great Shoe Debacle of 2009
My readers know I love shoes. I love shoe shopping. I get that from my mom. There is one caveat to that. Shoe shopping for Michael. Michael has enormous feet. I take that back. Michael had ginormous feet. When he was born the doctor said two thing, it's a boy, and he has a golden retrie...
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