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Across the ocean aka SEA
"For those who lost, well it's not about winning or losing. Everyone is a winner. They just weren't chosen, that's the disappointing part" - BayStorm 2009.08.2
Interests: music, jdrama, kdrama, arashi, pencil sketching, food
Recent Activity
Wow, the last post was 5 years ago. So much time goes just like that. Also, scrolling back at the posts I made. Man, it's embarrassing looking back at it. Hahaa. Though something remains the same. I still love Arashi. Just that I can't seem to find a time to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2015 at Switch ON!
I'm curious too about the kohaku thingy especially the case what type of standard one artist need to get in list of that event. I'm just guessing that the artists/groups that get to involve in Kohaku must be get some kind of approval by the entertainment there...well, Kohaku likely tend to leave controversy more with its hype. It made you wondering what is the meaning of the event actually is. Sorry, Totwi-chan for not commenting here as I used to, but I do read yours when I got the times :D I hope you keep writing stuff like this tho. It always nice to see what others thinking about matters revolving Arashi or not other than just plainly flailing. Yeahh, don't let people's opinion get you, just write whatever you think of :DDDDb
fitrin is now following Account Deleted
Nov 16, 2010
Totwi-chan~! As always, your review is so <3 I love how you interpreted it in your own thought. I have yet to see this, but now, totally eager to watch it soon after reading your post. Really love Miyane-san especially when he mentioned Arashi. He's totally such a fanboy over them. He even called Ohchan as OHCHAN during Kaibutsu <3333 He's amazing. I bet that's why he's quite popular right now.
Toggle Commented Nov 14, 2010 on AniS IS AWESOME :DDD at ☆遠い~☆
Just when the last time I ever log in to typepad?! My last post is about LR lol Well, not that ages but it is if we are following Arashi's current pace xD Anyway, I STILL LIVING LIFE, either happily or vice versa. Guess I will be spamming LJ and... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2010 at Switch ON!
fitrin is now following Xtinastorm
Sep 13, 2010
fitrin is now following Mikaa *
Sep 13, 2010
fitrin is now following Jani665
Sep 13, 2010
fitrin is now following patashi
Sep 13, 2010
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Sep 13, 2010
fitrin is now following saihengurl
Sep 13, 2010
fitrin is now following Miyuki
Sep 13, 2010
fitrin is now following Account Deleted
Sep 13, 2010
fitrin is now following Account Deleted
Sep 13, 2010
fitrin is now following Nianna
Sep 13, 2010
omgggggg TAKA-SANNNN <333 NAKAIIII <3 I LOVE UTABAN Agreed so much. I'd watched utaban even before into Arashi and it is so true, the atmosphere is REALLY different. I used to watch NEWS and K8 guesting in it and it was like the usual talk, still entertaining but more than that Taka-san or Nakai took over the whole show. I know Taka-san like Arashi so much. I forever love how he or Nakai always try forced them to demo the dance of A.RA.SHI. And the namida chorori part lmao xDDD I think it's such privillage of him to actually remember one of their song <333 Goshhh I hope we can see them interact again some day on screen. I do hope it not just vtr. But if they will show us the past history with arashi in vtr I still quite pleased with it. OMG TOTWI-CHAN!! I LOVE YOUR POST TOPIC LIKE THIS. And your other posts too. I learn much from them :DDDD
Toggle Commented Sep 9, 2010 on utaban and taka san ^____^ at ☆遠い~☆
Sou sou~ Ohno smoking is hot <3 Like you said, just by looking the way how he puffed out smoke just so convincing to us that he actually smoke. Not that I'm ok with it, but just that it's all to him or the others own decision to smoke or not. I believe every adult men smokes at least once his lifetime. Either they are decent or not. So do Johnny's and Arashi themselves. But, as a fan or rather as a common bystander, I hope they will stop one day or reduce doing it at least. Healthy problem worrying me so much lately. Hearing and seeing Ohchan coughing in MLover was like a nightmare too me *ok i'm being dramatic here lol* Ahhhhh Ohchan just so lovable. My guess that his laid back attitude actually attracts people to get to know more about him. I found that his comment mostly are ordinary but yet can related to our daily life. I think that's why people love him. He didn't ever try to drag people to like him rather that people try to approach him ;D
fitrin is now following Kiiroi Namida
Sep 9, 2010
fitrin is now following Rika tyan
Sep 5, 2010
fitrin is now following Nanao
Sep 5, 2010
Ahh I didn't know there were some peoples didn't favor the amount of Ohchan's screen times he got. Well, people will never satisfied lol This making of could be the best out of all!!! Like you said, it shows the member's interaction alot. Like, when Nino greeted Sho in the car. It is a simple thing but I found it so sweet <3 Though I wonder why he called Sho B xDD
Hihi totwi-chan!! Our first greet on typepad!:D Looking through all the PV they had made from this early year till now, they seems have tried various kind of PV styles. And I think that is good as it put on much variety to us to see. I mean we can see how Arashi work on this and that with their work of styles. I'm biased so I knew I will love over pretty soon lol xD Have to wait patiently but omg this make me excited to watch!! *beams*
Toggle Commented Sep 4, 2010 on Short thought on LR PV & Over :D at Switch ON!
I had to say this one actually get a pretty quick early release than before, based on my experiences lol not that I'm complaining since me, myself are really, REALLY anticipating with it because they never leaked out the full pv version at music promo shows or whatever. And I... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2010 at Switch ON!
fitrin is now following Andii
Sep 3, 2010