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New York Times and Amazon #1 bestselling author.
Recent Activity
How To Get Hot Leads with LinkedIn
In this week's podcast episode, Frank explains, in detail, how to use LinkedIn to get more hot sales leads than you can handle! Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2012 at Never Cold Call Again
Why Cold Calling Is Dead in 2012
In this episode of the Never Cold Call Again podcast, learn why cold calling is forever dead in the 21st Century, and all the reasons why you should never cold call, backed up by solid facts, research, and statistics proving that cold calling is dead. Click Here to Download Continue reading
Posted May 21, 2012 at Never Cold Call Again
FJR Advisors Announces Plans to Relocate to Dallas
FJR Advisors, the sales training company known for its breakthrough Never Cold Call Again system, has announced its plans to relocate to Dallas this coming April. Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2012 at FJR Advisors Inc. Blog
FJR Advisors Announces Addition to Sales Training Programs
FJR Advisors, publisher of the "Never Cold Call Again" system, is adding lessons on how to cold call effectively - if your employer requires you to. Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2012 at FJR Advisors Inc. Blog
Welcome to FJR Advisors Inc. Blog
FJR Advisors, Inc. news, announcements, and updates blog. Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2012 at FJR Advisors Inc. Blog
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Frank Rumbauskas
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Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
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Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
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Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
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Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
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me, please contact my helpdesk and
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Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
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email address. If you are trying to reach
me, please contact my helpdesk and
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can forward it to me:
Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
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email address. If you are trying to reach
me, please contact my helpdesk and
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can forward it to me:
Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
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email address. If you are trying to reach
me, please contact my helpdesk and
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can forward it to me:
Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
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Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
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Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
Please note, this is no longer my primary
email address. If you are trying to reach
me, please contact my helpdesk and
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can forward it to me:
Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
Please note, this is no longer my primary
email address. If you are trying to reach
me, please contact my helpdesk and
provide your full contact info so they
can forward it to me:
Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
Please note, this is no longer my primary
email address. If you are trying to reach
me, please contact my helpdesk and
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can forward it to me:
Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Sales is NOT A Numbers Game!
Learn how you can get - and keep - the power in your sales appointments, because the salesperson who has the power will always get the sale! To learn more, please visit To download a higher quality version of this video (warning - large file size), please use this link:...
Please note, this is no longer my primary
email address. If you are trying to reach
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Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
Please note, this is no longer my primary
email address. If you are trying to reach
me, please contact my helpdesk and
provide your full contact info so they
can forward it to me:
Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
Please note, this is no longer my primary
email address. If you are trying to reach
me, please contact my helpdesk and
provide your full contact info so they
can forward it to me:
Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
Please note, this is no longer my primary
email address. If you are trying to reach
me, please contact my helpdesk and
provide your full contact info so they
can forward it to me:
Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
Please note, this is no longer my primary
email address. If you are trying to reach
me, please contact my helpdesk and
provide your full contact info so they
can forward it to me:
Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
Please note, this is no longer my primary
email address. If you are trying to reach
me, please contact my helpdesk and
provide your full contact info so they
can forward it to me:
Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
Please note, this is no longer my primary
email address. If you are trying to reach
me, please contact my helpdesk and
provide your full contact info so they
can forward it to me:
Thanks, and talk to you soon!
Frank Rumbauskas
***Follow me on Twitter***
Learn the secrets of Google AdWords:
Prevent and Win Chargebacks and Minimize Refunds in Your Online Business: How to Fight Back Against Dishonest Customers!
Credit card disputes, known as “chargebacks” within the merchant processing industry, are the bane of internet merchants worldwide. As an author who has worked hard to create my books and products and build a business to market them, few things are as disappointing and frustrating to me as receiv...
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