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Off to greener pastures....
It's time to leave these shores for various but mostly spam-related reasons. Flibbertygibbet has a new home, at Please do come and visit over there instead! If you're kind enough to link here then it would be lovely if... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2010 at Flibbertygibbet
Flibbertygibbet is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Well thank you! Will try to do stuff thats interesting enough to blog :-) and be more frequent!
January Times
I'm a freak, I know. I love January. Time to start over, it's even better for new pencil cases than September. A friend once told me that it's a lousy time to start those physical processes of transformation, like detoxes, if you live in the northern hemisphere. All we want to do is hibernate...
Well, I am working on a scarf for my grandmother for her birthday - um, as it was today I kind of missed that one... and did a boyfriend scarf for Christmas. I will make him relinquish it for a photo! Had been doing silver jewellery, and will be going back as soon as I have the spare cash again! Mainly its been baking, to be honest... All good wholesome fattening fun!
January Times
I'm a freak, I know. I love January. Time to start over, it's even better for new pencil cases than September. A friend once told me that it's a lousy time to start those physical processes of transformation, like detoxes, if you live in the northern hemisphere. All we want to do is hibernate...
January Times
I'm a freak, I know. I love January. Time to start over, it's even better for new pencil cases than September. A friend once told me that it's a lousy time to start those physical processes of transformation, like detoxes,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2010 at Flibbertygibbet
Dr Sketchy's
Although I did take Art all the way through secondary school, like everyone else I had my specialisations. Calligraphy. Pottery . Textiles. Lino-cutting. Ok, anything except life-drawing. Naturally that was a compulsive discipline. For our finals, the model happened to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2009 at Flibbertygibbet
The Making Space
Making at the Making Space. What’ll we do this weekend, we pondered. Shopping? Bit of X-Factor? Mooch to the pub for lunch? Oh come, hardly. No, let’s paint dental alginate on our faces in an east London workshop and then... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2009 at Flibbertygibbet
It’s Bunker Time
Caroline mooted the idea of the Blitz party a couple of weekends ago, and in the spirit of saying yes to everything, I jumped at the chance because it’s one of those things we always miss and then grumble about.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2009 at Flibbertygibbet
Well certainly back for another blast at any rate! I miss it when I don't blog - it's a discipline that I must reinstate! x
It's about time
That I came back. I'm sorry, I have actually been off having adventures but I either don't bring a camera, so feel like it will bore you all to tears without photos or you know, it was just so long *and* without a photo that I just didn't bother. Bad blogger, I know. And I missed this. How hav...
It's about time
That I came back. I'm sorry, I have actually been off having adventures but I either don't bring a camera, so feel like it will bore you all to tears without photos or you know, it was just so long... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2009 at Flibbertygibbet
These are fantastic! Just stumbled into here.
Don't be discouraged about the book. In publishing it often happens that when projects get passed on, a 'new' editor isn't as enthusiastic but that's more about being proprietorial and about territory ("It wasn't my idea so I'm not going to stick up for it") It must have commercial legs or it wouldn't have been commissioned originally. Give it some time...
i changed the way i made the eyes, i think these are cuter.making 20 was quite a challenge. thanks for the opportunity kristen! to learn how to get your own exclusive, never to be made again sewing stars cuttlefish check over at Schmancy's website later this week! Also, thank you everyone for ...
The dresses are what make these so perfect - love them.
I don't know where the week has gone. A very lame thing to write, it's true, but there you go. I just wanted to pop in here quickly to say that new dolls have been added to my bigcartel shop. Frankie (up top) is going to be particularly difficult to let go of, her top is made from some m...
Adorable! Makes me want to run to the machine right now, I love the colours.
Log Cabin Cushion
Dipping my toe into the mock log cabin world. Spud likes to bounce on it, and then have a little rest. I blame Amanda for making me stray away from the house painting road. Bad Amanda. Here's wishing you a happy weekend all !
thanks for such good advice. I love sewing and increasingly friends who are getting interested ask for advice - I'm going to direct them here *before* we go machine shopping!
Tiny Yellow Dress, and a Few More Thoughts
Thank you very, very much for all of the kind and thoughtful and generous comments yesterday. I really appreciate them, and I thank you for listening, and for always encouraging me. I don't think of myself as someone who remembers things very well, but whenever I dip my toe into those deep poo...
Ok so someone else already mentioned this, or as we know it in London, the Secret Liberty Fabric Shop. A complete Aladdin's Cave with many current and also 'out of print' fabrics. I happen to be going tomorrow!
on the boards-men's dress shirt
I have been wanting to try a men's dress shirt for Pete for a while now and after a recent jaunt to a fancy-schmancy clothing shop—I have decided the time is now. Or, sort of now. When I get around to it, anyway. Some of the floral ones I saw there reminded me of Liberty fabrics. I adore men ...
When I was in NYC last week - on holidays from the UK - I was bemoaning the fact that I couldn't buy your book as I was a few days too early - and then a woman in the shop piped up and said she designed it! What a small world... Huge congrats, I can't wait to get it!
The book!
Next week my book, Bend-the-Rules Sewing, comes out! It's been such a crazy month. So exciting and so overwhelming. . . all in a good way. Never in a million years did I think, while I was working on this book almost 18 months ago, that I would be having a baby the same week the book hit the ...
Having seen the top in person, I can confirm it's lovely!
Looking forward to hearing more about your stall - I am tempted to try it again myself.
A personal sewing first!
Hello Everyone! Never in all my sewing have I made myself a top! Skirts and trousers aplenty, even a dress once, but never a top. This pic is me at our sewing group meeting on Saturday in it. I made it the other week from the top part of the ever-popular Built by Wendy dress pattern and some fab...
Getting someone (patient) to teach you is the key. I'm now doing three blankets concurrently, one as a gift - bewarned, it's addictive. The gift is using Debbie Bliss Cotton Angora, it's lovely and soft!
it's a start.
I was griping a bit back about having some lovely Debbie Bliss cashmerino and not getting a chance to do a thing with it. My first thought was granny squares, then I thought, no, a ripple baby blanket, and then, realizing that, um, I actually have never crotched anything before and don't reall...
This is just brilliant! I also love the granny square afghan in the background.
buns ahoy
I bought a couple t-shirts at Frenchy's quite a while ago, intending to paint on them. I got a black and a white and bought black fabric paint and white fabric paint. So I finally got around to doing the white one. I had the sponging idea in my head but didn't know what shape to use. I've bee...
The exboyfriend apron is great - I love the idea of using the placket on the back as a strap, very clevere!
UFOs and an original
This is my second posting. First I am going to show you pictures of some simple UFOs I completed during the early part of my vacation. These are not things that I created, but I thought I'd share them in case anyone needs a quick and easy gift idea. I learned about this project through my...
I'm now very tempted to knit a bag (can't get the size wrong for that - I hope!)
A couple of bags
I downloaded some free sewing software that prints out patterns for bags, hats, slippers etc, and I had to make this bag to check it out :-) I love it !! The software is really easy to use, has heaps of different design options, can be custom sized, prints on a standard A4 printer...the lis...
Your socks look great!
I am knitting like a mad thing at the moment, so I haven't has time to do much other refashioning. But I have just finished a pair of socks for my sister in laws birthday. so I'm happy for now. I almost forgot I was refashioning at the weekend, and was just lugging some shorts & t shirts to t...
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