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Knitty Cent
Western Washington
Knitter, Sewing Snob (primarily Very Easy Vogue), Cosmetics Fiend, Animal Lover! :)
Interests: knitting, sewing, different make up looks, shopping, movies, reading, ), going out to eat with nice people, my sorority (Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Innnncorporated!!!
Recent Activity
Knitty Cent is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Thank you! :)
[email protected]
Where everything resides thats fly; honey!
Harajuku lovin'
Happy Belated Birfday to moi! I turned 28 yesterday afternoon y'all. A year old, a year wiser, another year spent in school, LOL. Let's get to gettin' on my Harajuku Lovers make up travel bags since they're here and my pink train case is gonna have to wait until Monday morning for pick up. (I w...
Thanks so much! Its a true Blessing to see another year of life and be able to share it with friends family while in good health!
[email protected]
Strike a pose...VOGUE (Vogue, vogue)!!!
This thing on? How was your Halloween? Get any good treats? :p It's been soo long since I've written a good yarny post! I missed you people! In the midst of the turmoil of IV flow rates and other dosage calculations, I knew we'd meet again. And we have! Last month, my socks were hideous and bar...
I've knit 8 pairs so far this year. Gotta get cracking on pair #9, LOL!
Thank you! It's been fun playing with sock color this year! :)
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Knock ya socks off!
yea, I said it, LOL. How have you knitting lovelies been? A lot has changed, and a lot has stayed the same since my last bloggity blog. I've started taking sewing classes, and I'm about 50% done with a dress (with, gasp, interfacing). I've finished the back of Berkshire Dolman Sweater (using Cas...
Thank you. Ha! A few good eye shadow brushes, shadow & you're golden! I used a $22 medium size Sephora brush for the whole look, but just - today - placed an order for some Too Faced brushes on sale, , that are fab. I'm gonna browse your blog when I get back in a few. Thanks for stopping by! :)
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Beauty Overhaul! (and a new eye shadow!)
That's right, I said it! After browsing around at beauty blogs, I noticed something; no beauty 'explorations' as I like to call 'em of many of the products I'm interested in on brown skin. What line in particular? Too Faced. Since I'm upping my beauty quota this fall, I figured I'd fill that nic...
I know something's not right if you're not twittering about your latest sewing project. I've already eyed a few dress patterns from McCall's. Are they any easier than "Very Easy Vogue"? LMAO.
Feel better. Those kidney issues are nothing to ignore. (hugs) :)
Hump Day Ramblings....
***OH NEW WINTER MCCALL PATTERNS ARE OUT** NEw Winter McCall Patterns What do y'all think about that?! lol Ijust love new patterns lol. I'll pick out what I like later lol. Wednesday Y'all like to ramble as MUCH as I do lol. Feel free to ramble on ...anytime lol Thinking about making beef an...
the dress turned out to be gorgeous!!! that lantern quilt is stunning! i love the design!!!
Um Hello??????
I figure its about time that I post considering I've been paying to maintain this blog that I don't use. I'd seriously be surprised if this post is read by anyone. This is going to be a quickie drive by post. I've pretty much taken a break from knitting. I've been doing alot reading, relaxing...
What gets better than family, good friends, and a gorgeous completed knitted object? NOTHING!!! Man, that color is GORGEOUS! Love it!!!
So-delightful, So-lovely, Solo!
I finished my Solo Tank at a restaurant in Cheraw, South Carolina on Saturday during a meetup with some of my high school classmates, and I just had to try it on. It's not the best photo of the tank top, but it fits well, and I'm really pleased with it. I also had a great time meeting up wit...
Knitty Cent is now following Vera H.
Aug 8, 2009
QUADS!?!?! Wow, what a blessing! Those hats are adorable. My older female cousin is in the Air Force and loves it!
Your yarn for the entrelac stole looks gorgeous.
Nice HK loot! It surprises me whenever people surprise me for my birthday or enjoy my company as well. I'm an introvert to the point where people just assume I don't like them a lot, so I can definitely understand where you're coming from!
Four by Four and More
Caps for Quads My friend and fellow knitsib, Lisa, is expecting quads. She's in in her 29th week and in the hospital for observation and will mostly likely remain there until the babies are born. I'm glad that she is close enough so I can drop by on my way home from the LYS. I enjoy our chat...
LOL, seems like fall's already on it's way. Really cloudy/cold this morning after a 107 degree historic heat wave last week.
No funds for sock summit. :( One day (once I get into/complete nursing school though! You going?
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bringing the august heat!
In the form of some finished socks! Devon Socks Pattern: Devon, Sock Innovation by Cookie A. Yarn: Hazel Knits (from the 2009 yarn club's June shipment) in Hibiscus Needle: Size 1, 40" cable, 2 at a time on 1 needle method Started: July 1, 2009 Finished: July 31, 2009 My summer's ...
that colorway for the solo tank is CUUTE! i completely understand about being an introvert. knitting has been an excellent gateway to meeting some awesome people all over the globe (and locally).
Going Solo
I Love TdF Saturdays! I'm taking it easy today, watching the Tour de France and knitting on my latest project the SoloTank. The armholes are shapes and I'm working on the neckline. So far, so good. Hopefully, I can get the knitting all done this weekend and start putting her together although...
Those turned out gorgeous! ^_^ Cute kitty tail! >^_^
A Promise Kept
so yesterday i promised a picture of a pair of finished socks ... here you go. a pair of brand new hand knit socks AND a cat tail. can't say that i don't deliver. these are simple 2x2 ribbed socks that i improvised. the yarn is dkknits' technocolor dream toes which you can find on etsy he...
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