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The Garden Stasis
Interests: circuits, mainframes, antennas, and hardware stores. I like to sneak into the WFMU library during the Saturday morning Listener Hour when no one is around so I can play the song "Mechanical Man".
Recent Activity
"Why the decision to incorporate gardening with an otherwise mostly music blog?"
WFMU = Freeform
Maybe in time we will offer a weekly post on "improving your skill at Scrabble"
I would just skip the posts weekly Art.
Salt of the Earth (Part 1)
During National Allotment Week, a Guardian Online article claimed that allotment waiting lists in Greater London were up to a staggering 40 years. This is partly due to an increase in demand from the swelling Grow Your Own movement, and partly due to the dire shortage of plots nationwide. The ...
Hi Art,
Yes, the WFMU Blog is almost completely audio and visual but sometimes we offer other directions, from gardening to views on daily life, and so on.
While the majority of the blog is dedicated to sound and vision we do have a gardening post once a week from one author. There's really no exact explanation except that we thought it was a nice direction to take every Saturday afternoon and from the initial posts we reviewed it had an audience in the comments.
Note: The blog does not make a habit of jumping in non-audio/video areas very often. It's actually pretty rare that we have authors jump on to discuss other topics.
Salt of the Earth (Part 1)
During National Allotment Week, a Guardian Online article claimed that allotment waiting lists in Greater London were up to a staggering 40 years. This is partly due to an increase in demand from the swelling Grow Your Own movement, and partly due to the dire shortage of plots nationwide. The ...
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