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Rapper, Musician, Writer, Entrepreneur, Goon. I am Josh and I am OllO.
Recent Activity
Forging Gods. (1st post Cont.) And if belief is so...
Forging Gods. (1st post Cont.) And if belief is so powerful, forge your own God, your own structure of belief that will guide you to the end you hold in your minds eye. This is a thought that is a combination between different things that I've read, different people I... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2016 at My Blog
When you say something with enough conviction,...
When you say something with enough conviction, people seem to believe it. Uncertainty, any scent of uncertainty breeds that uncertainty in the others listening or tuning in, even if that uncertainty you have is reasonable, is logical, wise, truthful. Why does it feel like I've been taught that to be... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2016 at My Blog
OllO is now following Seth Godin
Jul 22, 2016
OllO is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 22, 2016
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