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So Cal
I'm a writer,educator and a parent.
Interests: Reading,
Recent Activity
AA is now following Anil Dash
Jan 11, 2010
Welcome oh intrepid explorer of the bolgoshpere....
Welcome oh intrepid explorer of the bolgoshpere. Let's start with the obvious shall we. What the heck is a Fondue Elephant Sushi? Well it’s nothing really and that's what I love about it. In my life words are a powerful tool. I use words to open someone's mind, to spark a kid’s imagination and to make myself laugh. Like most people I have been deeply hurt by words and had my life changed by a seemingly meaningless phrase. The other day I was driving my kidlets home and I innocently asked them, as every mother does 365 days a year,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2010 at Fondue Elephant Sushi
AA is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 4, 2010
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