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So Cal
I'm a writer,educator and a parent.
Interests: Reading, Crosswords, Politics, Philanthropy, Baking, Kids
Recent Activity
AA is now following Anil Dash
Jan 11, 2010
Welcome oh intrepid explorer of the bolgoshpere. Let's start with the obvious shall we. What the heck is a Fondue Elephant Sushi? Well it’s nothing really and that's what I love about it. In my life words are a powerful tool. I use words to open someone's mind, to spark a kid’s imagination and to make myself laugh. Like most people I have been deeply hurt by words and had my life changed by a seemingly meaningless phrase. The other day I was driving my kidlets home and I innocently asked them, as every mother does 365 days a year,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2010 at Fondue Elephant Sushi
AA is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 4, 2010