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Pamela Fong
Recent Activity
Pamela Fong is now following Denise Driscoll
Jul 21, 2010
We got the NVC, so now our documents are on their way. This is last step and finally we will have our son. Probably another 4 to 6 weeks!!
Soup to Nuts
There's an Alphabet Soup of Adoption. From the CCAA to the LID, LSC, LOA, and TA. I still don't really know what acronym I'm waiting for, but we did just get the approval of our I-800 so that means we're that much closer to traveling to get Jameson. Still expecting to go in May. That's next mont...
To add to the alphabet soup: NVC approval and that is after the I-800 approval - so add another week or so. URGH.....
Soup to Nuts
There's an Alphabet Soup of Adoption. From the CCAA to the LID, LSC, LOA, and TA. I still don't really know what acronym I'm waiting for, but we did just get the approval of our I-800 so that means we're that much closer to traveling to get Jameson. Still expecting to go in May. That's next mont...
Now, there is another piece of paperwork to wait for my the US Government called an NVC letter. What is means is tact on another 1 or 2 weeks to wait for that. Frustrating or what.
Family Themes
If a family can have a theme, ours up until February 2009 was "One and Done". As in, we had one child--a lovely, spunky, independent 5-1/2 year old daughter--and that was plenty. Then our son found us. This 17-month old little boy in a very northern province of China reached out and found his pa...
Pamela Fong added a favorite at FongsAmigos
Apr 5, 2010
Pamela Fong is now following FongsAmigos
Apr 5, 2010
Pamela Fong is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 5, 2010
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