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One woman recovering from emotional eating.
Interests: shopping, spending time with family, reading, blogging, etc.
Recent Activity
Happy Halloween!
The air is cool, the leaves are beautiful shades of red and orange, and pumpkins are all lit up on the porch. It is Halloween! We've done countless crafts this month involving ghosts, spiders, and spooky skeletons. Kidtastic dressed as Wow Wow Wubbzy and Kidtastic Jr. was a bumblebee. We have just finished a fun night of pizza and trick or treating around the neighborhood. Kidtastic believes it is quite a magical night. She was amazed that people would provide her with chocolate just for saying "Trick or Treat." As we walked around the neighborhood greeting other trick or treaters... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Caramel Pecan Brownies
Looking for a recipe for those upcoming holiday parties? I've made this several times and I always leave the party with an empty pan and several requests for the recipe. Just make sure you have time for them to chill before serving! Caramel Pecan Brownies 1 14oz package of caramels 2/3 cup evaporated milk (divided in to two 1/3 cup portions) 1 Duncan Hines caramel flavored boxed cake mix 3/4 cup butter 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 1/2 cups of lightly chopped pecans Melt caramels over low heat, add 1/3 cup of evap milk to them and keep... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Importance of the Family Dinner
Lately, my husband and I have decided that we really need to focus on eating dinner together as a family. Due to activities, work schedules, and the hectic days that accompany raising two small children, it is rare that all four of us sit down to eat at the same time. Most days, I feed the kids before my husband is even home from work and let's face it, as a mom, I'm lucky to sit down when I eat at all. However, this habit is not setting a good example for our girls. Children, learn far more from watching... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Updating My Look
In my opinion, part of being Momtastic means looking the best I can most of the time. I don't mean that I need to look fabulous just to run to the grocery store but I should at least change out of my "around the house" mom wear. You know the clothes I'm talking about...sweat pants, $10 t-shirt from Target, and running shoes. Those clothes are necessary when you have small children with sticky fingers from food and crafts. Oh, how I would cry if my nicer clothes came in contact with finger paint! However, those are the clothes for "inside"... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Fast Dinner Friday
As I sit here playing around on the computer during naptime, I realize I have forgotten something. I have forgotten to plan anything for dinner. My first thought is normally....make a quiche. However, today I find that I'm out of just about everything and really should have gone to the store today. Luckily, I have the ingredients together to make my friend's Spicy Thighs recipe! If you have also forgotten about dinner, I've got you covered as long as you have chicken, sour cream and salsa...and about an hour to cook it. Grab 1 gallon size Ziploc bag and add... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2009 at Fit Mommy
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Oct 21, 2009
Momtastic Product We Love..... Dolphin Pals Vitamins by Country Life
The weather is turning cooler and we are spending more time indoors. As a mother, my mind has been on cold/flu prevention lately with all the news about the H1N1 and such. For our family, we like to build our immunity the old fashioned way. That means eating more fruits and vegetables, getting plenty of sleep, drinking lots of water, and taking our vitamins. My husband and I are normally pretty good about remembering to take our supplements. Having two kids, we need all the help we can get! Lately, we have been making sure that Kidtastic takes a vitamin... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Meet the Kidtastics!
Today, I would like to introduce my children. I'm the proud mother of two beautiful daughters. Currently, Lila is nearly 3 1/2 years old and Kate is almost 1 year old. Over the course of this blog I'll be reviewing products, recipes, and craft ideas and these lovely little ladies will be my helpers! In the future, I'll be referring to them as Kidtastic and Kidtastic Jr. I have a hard enough time keeping their names straight so I don't expect my readers to do the same. Just kidding...well, mostly. In addition, I would like to take the time to... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Slow Cooker Sweet Potato Stew
Fall weather is here! Not only is it time to enjoy all the vegetables that are currently in season, it is also a great excuse to bring out your slow cooker! This recipe will have your house smelling like autumn all day long! Start a fire, make some cornbread, and the meal is complete. 1 ½ lbs of stew meat cut in to 1” cubes 2 teaspoons of salt 2 cloves of garlic (crushed) 1 tablespoon of thyme 2 dried bay leaves 1 large onion (chopped) 2 cans of diced tomatoes 3 cups peeled sweet potatoes, cut in 1-inch cubes... Continue reading
Posted Oct 20, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Are you a Scary Mommy?
According to, a "scary mommy" is a mom who doesn’t leave the house wearing lipstick at all times. A Scary Mommy loves her kids to death, but will admit to feeling totally overwhelmed and exhausted by the gig. A Scary Mommy doesn’t really care what other people think, and a Scary Mommy thinks that all mothers win when we admit our weaknesses. Can you be a momtastic mom and still be a little bit scary?? Of course! I have yet to meet any mom who is momtastic all the time! We all have our scary moments. However, in order... Continue reading
Posted Oct 20, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Babies and Children - NOT "As Seen on TV"
Have you ever paid much attention to the babies and children that you see on TV? If you think about your favorite television shows, most children are incidental props that pop in and out of the scenes as needed for a quick joke or segue. The other day, I saw an old episode of Friends that was part of some season after Rachel had Baby Emma. She came over to Monica's apartment while Emma was napping and she was toting a baby monitor receiver. I noticed how surprised I was that she not only left her baby in the other... Continue reading
Posted Oct 19, 2009 at Fit Mommy
If you are like most moms, you have a growing supply of clothes, shoes, and toys filling your kid's closets. Upon finishing my fall cleanout, I realized that even though the clothes were pretty worn out and the toys were broken beyond repair, the shoes still had a lot of life left in them. Recently, I read about a great charity that can really use shoes Based in Nashville, TN, this non-profit organization donates both new and used shoes to people in need. The organization started off by collecting shoes for victims of the 2004 Asian tsunami and New... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Goodnight Goon - A Petrifying Parody by Michael Rex
Before my firstborn was even able to focus clearly, we started reading Goodnight Moon as part of our bedtime routine. It is a children's classic and a must have for your child's library. Even if your kids are a little too old for it, there is a good chance you still have it memorized. While shopping the other day, I ran across Goodnight Goon - A Petrifying Parody by Michael Rex. It is a cute and spooky take on the children's classic. It is beautifully drawn and a great addition to your Halloween book collection. The story features a little... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Easy School Lunch Ideas
We all know how important it is to provide high quality nutrition for our children. Kids need a balanced diet for school in order to have plenty of energy, mental focus and the ability to build a strong body. However, if your child is like most, they consider a balanced diet to be chicken nuggets AND french fries! What is a parent to do?? First of all, meal time doesn't need to be boring. Make meals fun! Think up funny names for foods such as "purple pizza" when serving sliced baked eggplant topped with marinara sauce and cheese. Broccoli is... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Fast Dinner Idea!
If you are like most moms, time is tight! It doesn't matter if you are traversing the newborn wilderness or have older kids involved in every school activity under the sun, sometimes dinner needs to cook itself! First of all, if you don't have a slow cooker...get one! Our Crockpot is the most useful appliance in our kitchen and in use 3-4 days a week! Ok, so here's what you need: 1 pot roast 2 jars of your favorite salsa 1 slow cooker First thing in the morning, put the raw roast and the salsa in the slow cooker and... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Being Momtastic Doesn't Mean You Have To Be Crafty
Since becoming a mom, I have figured out that I have many hidden talents. I can cook things with hidden vegetables, fix broken toys, calm a baby in about six seconds, and explain just about anything. However, when it comes to sewing, knitting, or other crafty ventures, I am completely at a loss! When my daughter's Halloween costume needed alterations, even she immediately knew we would be taking it to the tailor shop. So, what is a Momtastic mom to do when she isn't crafty (and really doesn't want to be) yet still desires homemade items? Check out and... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Spooky Playdate
Hard to believe it's already fall and the holidays are just around the corner. I decided to kick things off with a Spooky Playdate this past weekend. My daughter found a great recipe for a "graveyard" made of hummus, hard boiled eggs, raw veggies, crackers, and pretzels in Family Fun magazine. Here's the recipe and picture of what it "should" look like.... Here's a picture of what it looks like when two 3 year olds make it! It was so much fun for the kids and they enjoyed eating it as well! Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2009 at Fit Mommy
Welcome to Momtastic!
Welcome to Momtastic! This is a blog by a mother who strives to be a fantastic other words "Momtastic!" I'll be discussing lots of Momtastic things so check back often! I'll cover kid friendly recipes, toys, crafts, games, activities, and general tips/tricks I have learned along the way. I know this first post is short but I've got to go make dinner! Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2009 at Fit Mommy
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