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Jeremy Forbing
Recent Activity
Is there a high-level conversation being had somewhere about computers making decisions to end human lives without input? As in, what happens when that kind of autnomous AI malfunctions?
Drone operations have already had a negative effect on our hearts-and-minds campaigns in Afghanistan, with human operators. What happens when (I think it is more than an "if") one of these unloads its "full weapons bay" in a civilian population center?
The Future of Warfare
Up Front: I'm currently proof reading, and enjoying immensely, the new book "Kill Decision" by my good friend Dan Suarez. It's about autonomous drones. That's legendary timing for a new book (on top of that, his approach to the genre blows away Clancy at his best). So, as you can see, I'm ...
Jeremy Forbing is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 27, 2012
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