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Donna Foster
Recent Activity
Donna Foster is now following Susan's Musings
Jun 13, 2012
Soda, Shanghai and Slippery Slopes
At first, I thought the appropriate reaction to Mayor Bloomberg's suggested ban on mega-ounce drinks was to roll one’s eyes and be grateful for not living in NY. After all, “I may not drink super-sized carbonated beverages but I will defend until death your right to do so,” just doesn’t... Continue reading
Reblogged Jun 13, 2012 at Donna Foster's blog
Although I voted in the 2008 primary for Romney, this time I will vote for Santorum. In 2008, I felt Romney was the best of the worst. I don't see Romney's turning point from progressive to conservative. He flip flops on important issues and I believe he obtained tax payor dollars to turn the Olympics around. In short, I believe he stands for big government despite his claims at being a conservative, and like John McCain, I think he would go back to his old ways as soon as he was elected. I also believe that OWS was set up particularly for Romney and I don't believe the GOP establishment should pick the nominee.
Mitt's Money Obstacle
Too much money. Could that be the core reason for Mitt Romney’s lack of success during this primary season? As strange as it sounds, I am becoming convinced that his ability to draw on his own millions may have hindered his campaign. While most of us chuckle at the idea of too much money causing...
Donna Foster added a favorite at Susan's Musings
Mar 2, 2012
Donna Foster is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 2, 2012
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