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Sep 27, 2010
Francesca is now following Beauty Inspires
Sep 26, 2010
Love Van Morrison! He always brings good memories and creates new ones...
Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
Currently listening to Van Morrison's debut record Astral Weeks. This is widely regarded as a masterpiece, I certainly think it is an amazing record, just not maybe as heralded as the critics would lead you to believe. My favorite tracks on this one are "Sweet Thing" and "The Way Young Lovers Do...
Francesca is now following
Jul 9, 2010
Gets me excited for the warmer weather... Thin Lizzy brings me back to summertime two years ago :)
Thin Lizzy - Boys Are Back In Town
I relate music to the seasons or time of day a lot of the time. Certain music demands to be listened to in the autumn. Some during the summer. By the same token, I have some records that don't sound nearly as good at 11am than they do at 11pm. It is spring time in New York City these days, and ...
Good choice for a Sunday night!
John Coltrane - Acknowledgement
It is late (for me anyway) on a Sunday night after a long weekend. Francesca, Alex and I had a very busy weekend that included a Saturday seeing apartments in Manhattan looking for our next place. Alex was a good boy all weekend, we were both thoroughly impressed with him which is a great feelin...
It was definitely a special first Mother's Day. Perfect song to wrap up the day...
Bruce Springsteen - My Love Will Not Let You Down
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. More than that tomorrow the first Mother’s Day for Francesca, Alexander’s mom. Alex and I conspired to make it a special day for her, along with seeing my family in New York City, so it should be a lot of fun. I have to say, Mother’s Day was made for moms like Francesca...
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