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Keeshagirl4 is now following Objects and Elements
Nov 18, 2011
Keeshagirl4 is now following Lesley Venable
Jun 28, 2011
how fun to see Vivian teaching needle felting. she is such a sweetie! looks like it was as much fun this year as the last one.
1 reply
what a lovely recap! Artfest is so inspiring - there is just something about that enviroment. the rich history of the fort - the green, tree lined enviroment, the old style lodging, the art, the friendship, the camaraderie - it is all inspiring and i miss it deeply when i return home, where i have very little of it (except what i can carve out for myself!). i take classes with stephanie lee whenever possible as i'v found her, as you said, very inspiring, humble and a phenomenal teacher. i've never thought to take a LK class, but will look more into her after your post. thank you for including me in your lovely post of artfest - i was pleasantly surprised to see me, my jackolope and funky orange coat on your blog!
Toggle Commented Apr 4, 2010 on ArtFest = Fabulousness at MelodyFreebird
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i so know where these heartfelt sentiments are coming from - it doesn't matter what the subject is regarding any sort of loss: it is heartfelt and devastating to those of us who have to go thru some of the extra ordinary situations that life hurtles at us. it can be crushing, frustrating and easy to say "why us? when do we get a break"? etc. but there isn't anyone to answer those questions, except for ourselves. how we chose to answer those questions, is how we tend to cope - we move on. we do what we have to. we adjust and acclimate. it isn't easy - but it is something we have learned to do with style and grace. i wish the best for you. i wish i could sit down with you right this second and compare notes. but you will do find without me and your new little home, will become what you need it to be. my best always, kecia
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Keeshagirl4 is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 1, 2010