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It isn't a huge mystery - the Right wants to suck the oxygen from any critique of the existing order of things. Any criticism of neoliberal capitalism is a criticism of that order.
The sad death of free market pessimism
The hostile response to Paul Mason's Postcapitalism raises a question: why are rightists economic optimists? I ask because that reaction seems to me to be part of a pattern. It tends to be free market types who are most critical of Malthusian-type pessimism, and I get the impression that it is l...
I'm still a fan of the whole ''socialist revolution'' thing, thanks.
Economists! Be more Marxist
I pointed out yesterday that Marx was right: inequality generates an ideology which defends that inequality. This, though, is just one of many instances in which experimental or empirical evidence has vindicated him.For example: - The "economics of life" literature pioneered (pdf) by Gary Becke...
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Mar 11, 2015
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