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The world according to a 30 something ad exec, father and arm chair political critic
Recent Activity
[Sent via email on 6.14.11 at 10 pm ET] Dear Sen. Saland, I am a resident of Columbia County and a supporter of Same Sex Marriage in New York State. I'm writing to urge you to join 31 of your fellow Senators in support of the Marriage Equality Bill. Sir,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2011 at Tao of FAU
Over the next two weeks I'll be making two trips to Northern California. For a long time I've wanted to make a playlist of all the songs I own about New York or California and tonight I finally did it. Here you go: New York City (They Might Be Giants)... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2011 at Tao of FAU
As always, there is a ton if media attention being paid to the State of the Union speech tonight. To mark the event I offer my predictions: - Number of outbursts from the crowd: 0 - Number of times the Speaker of the House cries: 2.5 - Change is percentage... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2011 at Tao of FAU
It's Veteran's Day today when we take time to say thank you to all those who have put their lives on the line for America. These are brave men and women and we do right by taking time to honor them once a year. On a personal note I want... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2010 at Tao of FAU
I have decided to donate my face to Movember. Why you ask? Because thousands of men are diagnosed with prostate and testicular cancer each year. In fact, you likely know more than one person who's life as been impacted by one of these diseases (I know 5). So what can... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2010 at Tao of FAU
Predictably my son is obsessed with the film Cars and he now requests that I play two songs from the movie whenever we are driving around: "Real Gone" performed by Sheryl Crow and "Life is a Highway" performed by Rascal Flats. Today, I had my iPod on random shuffle and... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2010 at Tao of FAU
"I don't know him" So the G.O.P. establishment in New York continues to freak out about the Republican candidate for Governor, even though he has gotten within striking distance of Andrew Cuomo in one poll. Of course what the media wants to know is who will be endorsing Mr, Paladino... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2010 at Tao of FAU
Four years ago, when the Democrats won the majority in the Congressional election I observed that the "moderate" Northeastern wing of the GOP had died. With only a handful of Republicans left in the Northeast after that election, the party the I had know, belonged to, and loved was gone.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2010 at Tao of FAU
Once again advertising has kept me from blogging about a show about advertising. Over the last few weeks there's been a story line building between Peggy and Don about ideas and giving credit where credit is due. SCDP had a blockbuster ad for floor cleaner Glow-Coat. It was a break... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2010 at Tao of FAU
Vox is closing (no real shock there) so I have moved the Tao of FAU to Typepad. Here is the new URL: And here is the RSS feed: I'm actually kind of glad to be up on one of the larger platforms. I went with Vox when it... Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2010 at Tao of FAU
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Sep 3, 2010