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Recent Activity
I am thrilled to announce that human rights activist and freedom fighter Nonie Darwish, an ex-Muslim who grew up in Gaza and experienced jihad and Jew-hatred firsthand and repudiated both, has become our first AFDI fellow. In that capacity, Nonie, author of the must-read books Now They Call Me Infidel and Cruel and Usual Punishment will be contributing regular articles here. I am pleased to be able to feature her unique and important perspectives here at Atlas. I'm also very happy to announce that Nonie's groundbreaking and courageous organization, Former Muslims United, will now continue its work as part of... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2015 at Leave Islam
He is banned. His IP is
We will win. We are right. We will crush the enemies of freedom
Toggle Commented Jan 1, 2014 on Happy New Year! at Atlas Shrugs
Love you guys .... enjoy!
Toggle Commented Nov 29, 2013 on Gobble tov! at Atlas Shrugs
Aisha, more of your Muslim myths and lies. Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, publisher of The New York Times, is an Episcopalian.
Toggle Commented Nov 29, 2013 on The Cancerous New York Times at Atlas Shrugs