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Freyalyn Close
Recent Activity
Did you get to climb up inside the cathedral? The view from the top is fascinating, but the spaces inside look so different as youre climbing, they have all sorts of stones and archaelogical stuff on display on the way up, and you can see the windows closer too.
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Goodness, you are bringing back all my memories of Kirkwall. I loved St Magnus - it's such a magnificent space for what, on the outside, is a fairly small cathedral. And the shops and streets of Kirkwall too... I'm so glad you loved it so much.
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What's wrong with just 'Happy' by itself? It's a lovely sound, short and snappy. Or Merry, for the same reason?
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He looks a fine dog, and definitely not a Baxter. I hope he makes a splendid addition to your household, and Ceilidh enjoys many games and races with him.
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I do hope I actually get to meet you at some point this visit!
Toggle Commented Dec 11, 2012 on British Isles 2013? at The Independent Stitch
1 reply
What a fabulous prize, especially the rotating cutting board - it would be desperately useful in my sewing place! I'd love to win it.
1 reply
Scented Garden, undoubtedly - so pretty and evocative! I love it.
1 reply
Really like some (most!) of these. Will prob buy the collection if I've got enough in my Paypal. Lovely things...
Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2011 on Winter Luxuries at beebonnet report
Freyalyn Close is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 19, 2011