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Jonathan Friesen
Vancouver, BC
Recent Activity
As was widely reported a month ago, Steve Jobs has stepped down from Apple. Most of the news articles asserted that the Apple faithful could still expect more well designed and well marketed consumer electronics from the technology giant. After all, they argued, Apple certainly is more than Steve Jobs... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2011 at Left Coast Menno
A couple years back, I read through a great book that had a lot of application for my job as a change management advisor. Crucial Conversations is a book about how to better deal with high stakes conversations where opinions differ and emotions run high. I was also able to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2011 at Left Coast Menno
I chuckle whenever I see an organization try to create artificial scarcity, particularly when their business model is threatened by the digital age. As of March 7, HarperCollins e-book titles licensed to Canadian schools and public libraries come with a new restriction: after 26 checkouts, they self-destruct. Dan Misener has... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2011 at Left Coast Menno
Cool, I'll definitely check that out.
Closely related to the post that I put up last night, here is a quote from an article by John Ortberg in the latest issue of Leadership Journal: I once was part of a survey on spiritual formation. Thousands of people were asked when they grew most spiritually, and what... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2011 at Left Coast Menno
No, this is not a joke. In fact, it actually sounds pretty neat: -What if we offered a space that is gutsy, hopeful, courageously vulnerable for pastors to let go of the burden to be a Super Pastor? -What if we could hold an event that was free from the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2011 at Left Coast Menno
I hadn't intended on taking off most of December from blogging, but here it is, January 1. I have been pecking away at a few different postings, so I'll start publishing them over the next few days. Hope everyone had a good Christmas and I wish all of you a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2011 at Left Coast Menno
I confess that I’m more than a bit of a news and information junkie. Addiction could be close to it. CBC News is my homepage. And my favourite journalist over there has to be Neil Macdonald. Neil is the Washington correspondent and has a knack for explaining well what is... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2010 at Left Coast Menno
Well now that Michael Krahn has drawn attention to my blog, I had better fill in a few gaps for people who may not know me. Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2010 at Left Coast Menno
Given that I spent 3.5 years of my life on becoming more divine (I'm being facetious, although I did manage to achieve an M.Div. for my efforts), I'm always curious to see what others think of seminary students. In this case, seminary students don't appear to be too different than... Continue reading
Posted Nov 24, 2010 at Left Coast Menno
Jonathan Friesen is now following Bobsutton
Nov 18, 2010
Yes, it's nearly 2011 and I'm just starting my first blog now. Not so impressive for a guy who had his first email address in 1995. All I have to say for myself is that life has been full, especially over the past 9 years. I was busy taking a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2010 at Left Coast Menno
Jonathan Friesen is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 18, 2010