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Yes, of course they do! They are in the hamburger selling business. Personally I hate McDonald's - their food is gross. If I'm going to consume my daily caloric intake in one sitting, I'd rather do it at Wendy's or Carl's Jr.
I have NEVER taken my kids (5 and 7) there. But for some reason - they are OBSESSED with it. Possibly bc grandma takes them. They can't understand why I wouldn't want it 72 times a week. So, is their marketing pull strong - holy cow, yes!
That said - I still don't think there is a marketing campaign in the world that takes away a person's free agency. Until McDonald's starts kidnapping customers, tying them to a chair and feeds them Big Macs intravenously, it's no ones fault than the consumer when the cursed hamburger enters their system.
McDonald's Happy Meal Horrors! The Franchise King® Is Overweight And Out Of Shape Because He Had One Too Many McDonald's Happy Meals 31 Years Ago
That's right. My sexy profile has everything to do with the fact that when I was a young, broke, on-air announcer at a huge 1,000 watt AM radio station in Independence, Iowa, (in 1979) I purchased a little too much cheap adult food at the local McDonald's that turned out to be eerily similar t...
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Jul 23, 2010
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