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Lisa the Waitress
Recent Activity
the seeds.
I just got in over a hundred seed specimens from Michigan State, from 1935. One set looks like a professional set, and the second seems to be a student copy of it. The test tubes are just wonderful, filled with so many different kinds of seeds along with a typed... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2013 at incredibly charming
Where I Am
There are things you hear your entire life; things you hear again and again. Some positive, some negative, some which seem one way and turn out differently in the end. "You should be a foodblogger" says the sous chef where I'm working. We all have a laugh. I've been bitter. I've been unsatisfied and bitter. It's not been doing anyone any good. But you already know that. I've been angry. I've been waking up at 7 (that's like 4am for normal people) and taking the bus downtown--even wearing a skirt sometimes--I've been sitting under unflattering lights. I've been sucking on... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2011 at Restaurant Widow
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