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Agreed. Discussion surrounding whether or not we are in a period of secular stagnation is only important if our elected representatives learn to appreciate their role in facilitating economic growth given the nature of modern money circulation.
'How to Escape from the slow-Growth Doldrums'
I tried to construct a simple example to explain secular stagnation. I'd be interested to hear thoughts on what I might have gotten wrong (and right) in the explanation: How to escape from the slow-growth doldrums, by Mark Thoma: More than six years after the Great Recession's end, economic gro...
Key statement to me(though he puts a disclaimer out on it is)
"I believe that little adjustment to one’s view of the proper level of 21st-century public debt of *reserve currency-issuing sovereigns with exorbitant privilege* is called for because of systemic risk considerations."
Governments need to start treating their budgets the way central banks treat their balance sheets. Invest in technology to increase productivity that is the road to sustainable growth. It's like none of us lived thru the 90's!
'Needed: More Government, More Government Debt, Less Worry'
Brad DeLong (the full post is much, much longer): Needed: More Government, More Government Debt, Less Worry: **Introduction** Olivier Blanchard, when he parachuted me into this panel, asked me to “be provocative”. So let me provoke:... It makes sense to distinguish the medium from the short ter...
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Jul 14, 2015
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