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I have to agree. That is one of the sad double standards of the entertainment industry. A woman is only as valuable for as long as she can capture the male gaze. After 30, people are ready to give chicks in the biz a walker and Depends Diapers. Nicki is already 26. Besides that Barbie gimmick will lose its appeal or a new female rapper will come out who is younger and prettier (she doesn't have to be talented, because that doesn't matter anymore).
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Then, that's not hating because her album was given a fair chance. I listened to her album before giving my final verdict.This album is horrible.I hate when guys say "the chicks will love it." Do not automatically equate garbage with "female music."
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I can't even laugh. The sad thing is he was dead serious when those words came out of his mouth. *deep sigh* I'm gonna need him to have a hearty bowl of STFU....and eat it slow.
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Baby just bought a $2.1 million car...Wayne gotta pay that off.
Toggle Commented Nov 1, 2010 on Baby Makes Lil Wayne His Lil Boy Again at
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I'm only one female, but I can tell you not all of us are drinking the Nicki kool-aid. Even among females, there's still a specific type that likes her music (the majority being preteen future smuts and confused hoodrats jk). In all seriousness though, I wasn't that big of a fan of the mixtapes, but they were way better than the mainstream shit she's put out over the last few months. I've never too much cared if an artist writes their own lyrics. That doesn't mean much if the yabba dabba doo shit you write is garbage. I'll still take a good ghost written Foxy or Kim verse any day. Just my opinion..
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I can't comment on Foxy because she's too busy fighting to write, but people act like Kim hasn't put out a CD since Biggie died. Last I checked dead men tell no tales (or pen no tracks). Lil' Kim's albums post Biggie's death>>>>>everything Nicki Minaj has put out. Money Talks, Quiet Storm remix were all after Biggie.
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Do people even use the Rush Card? Serious question, because I have not met one person that uses it. So, why would they use the Young Money Pre-paid card?
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I could be mistaken, but doesn't an album actually have to be out for there to be sound scans? If Nicki sells 780k the first week, then that would be more than Eminem did for Recovery, more than Jay did for Blue Print 3...basically all of hip hop would take a L. I don't see Nicki going Gold in months, let alone a week.
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Baby doesn't see shit. We see right through these leaks better than him. Nicki Minaj Leak is code for "We been hittin and missing with these singles and need to save face just in case they fail like Massive Flop."
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Hmmmm it's not the music that made me think you were a talking pornstar. I don't know how anyone could take someone who's name refers to a menage a trois seriously. How does she expect to transition to anything outside of bootleg movies and Black men's magazines?
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I've never been a fan of Drake's music, but I really start to dislike HIM every time he opens his mouth. YM needs better handlers. This is why he stays out of beefs, because he ethers himself when he talks.
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I swear Sohh will use any excuse to put up a YM article. Sohh no one is even on the Kim/Nicki beef anymore. When is the last time either of them have even said anything about it? Sidenote: Neither Nicki or Drake are lyrically prolific enough to handle a beef. As much as they talk they have too much ammo that could be used against them anyway.
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I love that there is a visible woman in hip hop, but people are highly confused by the meaning of ONLY and the best. If Nicki was held to the same standards of male rappers, she would not get away with that yabba dabba doo shit. Nicki would have never been able to go toe-to-toe with the heavy hitter femcees in the 90s, so she better be thankful she's making music in this time. Personally, I can only stand her in doses. I don't think she can carry a 1hr+ album. Good luck though *shrug*
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Nope. Half Puerto Rican/Half Dominican. My hair is Indian on occasion, though lol
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2010 on Chris Brown Begins Pursuit To "Fame" at
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Hmmmm never thought he was the best singer. He's average at best. It's his dancing that keeps him from being another Lloyd or Bobby V. I would never wish anyone failure, though. Get that paper CB.
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2010 on Chris Brown Begins Pursuit To "Fame" at
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What is the point of writing this letter 9 years later? Does he have a single dropping? If it were written by Ginuwine, Missy, or Tim I would see it as being more sincere. You don't even see Dame Dash coming out with a letter and he was engaged to her. I swear Sohh finds any excuse for a YM article Back on topic: RIP Aaliyah
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This has been going on since the early Cash Money Record days. Every time a CM/YM artist releases a song, a lawsuit or unpaid production fees complaint follows. Baby needs to get it together.
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I don't know why Kim is making all this background noise...Nicki Minaj will be over by the time her teeny-bopper fans graduate. And when the next female rapper comes out, then what?
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Jun 13, 2010