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Gabriel Pereira
A blog about investment strategies and financial ideas
Interests: finance, stocks
Recent Activity
Gabriel Pereira added a favorite at Gabriel Pereira
Jun 7, 2010
Here is the link for the live feed of wwdc Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2010 at Gabriel Pereira
Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs is expected to show off the next version of the iPhone Monday (unofficially dubbed the 'iPhone 4G' or 'iPhone HD') when he takes the stage to kick off the company's annual conference for software developers, the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). Apple hasn't confirmed its plans,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2010 at Gabriel Pereira
On April 8, Apple unveiled plans for the biggest and most exciting iPhone software update yet. iPhone OS 4 will include over 100 new user features for iPhone and iPod touch owners to enjoy. And for developers, a new software development kit (SDK) offers over 1500 new APIs to create... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2010 at Gabriel Pereira
Update on circuit breakers. Here's where we stand: 1) The SEC itself will make an announcement on new rules early next week, likely Monday. 2) At the same time, the exchanges will make a regulatory filing that will reflect the changes in their own rulebook. What's happening now: 1) SEC... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2010 at Gabriel Pereira
Don't forget to subscribe!! Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2010 at Gabriel Pereira
Below I have compiled a series of videos on what I call the “2nd great wave” As a banker myself I do not see improving economic signs and fear for everyone’s future While there will always be opportunities to make money, I feel that this next decade will be extremely... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2010 at Gabriel Pereira
Gabriel Pereira has shared their blog Gabriel Pereira
May 13, 2010
Here are the eight questions to ask yourself during your financial check-up: Is your net worth growing? Your net worth is the total of your assets minus your liabilities. (So, if you have $200,000 worth of stuff but owe $220,000, your net worth is -$20,000.) I don’t see much value... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2010 at Gabriel Pereira
Gabriel Pereira is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 29, 2010