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Gail Cassidy
Westfield, NJ
Creator and teacher of programs for "at risk" kids and retirees
Interests: Teaching (Kids Mentoring Kids program, Anti-Bullying programs for elementary students, and Legacy Workshops for senior citizens), writing (has written Discover Your Passion, Profit From Your Passion, The Validating Mentor, You Cannot NOT Communicate, and One Talk Fits All plus Tips booklets for various groups and an entire Seminar Series), developing seminars and workshops, training new instructors and clients, volunteering her teaching expertise during summers in support of in-service training programs for teachers and administrators in Lithuania.
Her focus now is directed toward helping those about to retire or already retired not only to find their passions but also to record their life stories to pass along to those who follow them. This program is done through Legacy Workshops and/or individual interviews which are then recorded on CD’s or made into both an e-book and a paperback book.
The common denominator of all of her writing and teaching is twofold--self-actualization through finding and acting on your passion and the importance of civility, treating others as you want to be treated. These themes transcend all generations.
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Mar 15, 2010
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