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Thanks for posting this James! I studied players in There from 2003 until its closure last year (apparently it's my lot in life to study refugees from games that close.) There was on par with Second Life both in terms of subscriber numbers and in terms of what it offered as a product, but was highly under-publicized by comparison (Case in point: There's no NWN for!) Many "Thereians" have migrated to Second Life, some reluctantly, and others were left in a refugee limbo status. Some of the newer worlds currently in development have also been courting There refugees to create a new client base, as There did with the 400+ Uru refugees who migrated there in 2004. It will be interesting to see what happens with this! If people want to know more about There, as far as I know I am the sole researcher who has written about it to date. You can find my publications as well as info about my book at my home page:
Virtual World Pioneer There Contemplating Relaunch as Subscription-Based Service for Ages 18+
There, the pioneering virtual world which closed in March 2010 for lack of revenue, is now contemplating relaunch as a subscription-based world for users 18 and up. The above screenshot is from the homepage which links to a survey which explains it's checking "to see if there's enough interest...
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Mar 15, 2010
Terris this is a really wonderful take on the meaning of "well-played game," in which "everybody wins." I really like your comment that 'When I am playing games like Gears of War, Tomb Raider, Virtual Fighter, Blazblue, or King of Fighters, I feel that some of us are "losing" from the beginning.' I'm so pleased you were able to take what you learned in the class and put it into practice in what I think is a very successful project.
Genevieve and the Pursuit of Diversity
I have throughly enjoyed creating the flash game Genevieve from brainstorming to production. I have always wanted to have the opportunity to work on a video game with a team of talented people with various skills and insights. Their skills allowed me to do my job better, and hopefully, I them. ...
Dan, this made me laugh so hard I cried. I really appreciate your candor. I am also delighted to hear that you actually got something out of the class in spite of yourself! And indeed, your game did, in many ways epitomize the themes we covered throughout the term. But perhaps due in part to your rye cynicism, and in part to the general obstreperousness of your team, it did so without being pedantic, while at the same time being exceptionally fun. I'm also pleased that you "got" that the whole point of the project is to learn how to work in a team. This is the secret of success in the game industry: no matter how brilliant you are, if you can't play well with others, you're doomed. The greatest irony of all is that you're game WAS the test, and you passed with flying colors!
What I learned at boating school is______________
Ok, I’ll admit it, I came into this class thinking that it would be another one of those LCC courses where the professor’s opinions and someone else’s theories as to what makes a game fun would be shoved down my throat. And for a good part of the semester I therefore tre...
Great Post-Mortem Jason. I actually think that your game benefited from the inability to implements some of your intended features. You managed to convey aspects of the story through mechanics and aesthetics in a way that, at this point, makes cut scenes an unnecessary distraction. What you also did really well, as has been done in both Braid and Spectre, is create a really unified world that is successful in conveying the emotions you want to get across; the complexity of the world itself, even with a simple game mechanic, says a lot. In the long run, that you made a game that is simpler than your initial intent is a feature not a bug. Although I think it will be great to refine the game further (maybe get it ready for an IndieCade submission), and maybe add some of those additional features, however, I think the simplicity turns out to be one of its strengths so be sure not to overdo it!
Blogpost #6 - Genevieve: A post mortem
The game building experience has been extremely productive for me, both in giving me a chance to organize and manage a team and in game design. We approached the problem from , and although we never talked about it explicitly I believe considering problems of gender within games was a very activ...
Final Game Prototypes
This is the category in which to post your final game prototype. Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2009 at Game Design as Cultural Practice Fall 2009
Well done Tom. I some nice thematics running through the blogposts: games without goals, games without winners, games with changing rules. I particularly like your analysis here because I think in the video game medium we really take this notion for granted. Players often talk about "beating" the game...Winning has been argued by many contemporary game theorists as a requisite feature of something we call "a game." You did a nice job here of analyzing how each of these games subverts the convention of a "win state" in a very specific, experiential way.
Games Without Winners
Most people, when asking how a game ended, will often ask “Who won?” In the tradition of sports and many board games, this is the ultimate goal: to determine a winner and loser. But what happens if this is not or cannot be the case? What if players at the end of game leave on equal footing and...
Really nice post, David, and hilarious title!
Goals? Goals!? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Goals!
When I began evaluating some of the games discussed in the readings for this post, I was at first at a loss as to how to evaluate their subversive and/or innovative uses of "traditional" gaming concepts, namely because I was unsure of which set of concepts with which to begin. In the end, I sett...
First of all Nic, this is a GREAT essay...really well developed and written. But of course you really got me with the Uru example. One thing I think we can say about Uru is that the game in many ways embodies the spirit of the New Games movement, beyond simply the examples we use in the Ludica paper but in the sense that it's a cooperative game! I don't think it's entirely an accident that the Baby Boomers of Uru are of the same generation as New Gamers. This is precisely why Ludica called for a "new" New Games movement in our paper. We felt like it was time for another revolutionary stance on gaming. We are long overdue for one!
Alternative Game Movements: Spacewar, (Counter)-Counter-Strike, and Myst Marker Art
Spacewar and the Hacker Movement Spacewar itself was already an “alternative game” from the beginning, because it was the first video game, a type of thing that had never been seen before in terms of representation and mechanics. It was, therefore, not so much a subversion as it was a complete ...
Vignesh, you won't be surprised to hear that I think this essay is really FANTASTIC, given my own philosophy about multiplayer games. One point you've made here that is really excellent is that even single-player games become multiplayer games in some form. My nephews used to play Indiana Jones and The Sims, all sitting together on the same chair; for them it was ALWAYS a multiplayer game, even though there was only one input. Some have called The Sims a "massively single player game," which I think it an appropriate characterization: what has really sustained the game's success is the community that built up around it, even though the gameplay itself is designed for a single-player. It makes me wonder...are game designers really that out of touch with their players that they would continue to design with this one-player/one-screen paradigm? Maybe we (collectively!) need to rethink this model entirely.
Game Art: A Collective Realization
It is interesting to note how most games, regardless of their inception, evolve to be an interesting study in team play. A lot of successful games have the intention of an individual’s exploration through a world or type of game mechanic. Eventually, all of these games get modded into a communit...
This is a great post...I love these random "not doing it for a grade posts." What I really like about this is that you are essentially analyzing the "game mechanic" of the film. In fact, if I did not know it was a film you were describing, I could easily have mistaken it for a game. It has all of the elements we associate with many games that use the "trials" sort of model for a story. I think your points are well-taken about enjoyable films having game-like attributes, although I would argue that not all films are game-like. Here are a few examples of gamelike films that I recommend that could also do with a "ludic" analysis (I have dibs on the last one!): Groundhog Day, Run Lola Run, TimeCode, Memento, 8 Mile.
Blogpost Followup - A Game review of "Spring Summer Fall Winter...And Spring"
I just wanted to follow up on my blogpost with a few thoughts on the potential for play within other media such as cinema: Most, if not all, of great cinema is a well designed game. It encourages play, it transcends enjoyment to the realm of reflection, meditation, education, and/or empathy. I w...
Daniel this is cool, but it's also derived (appropriated? ripped off?) from a very popular party game. I think it's interesting that he makes no mention of it in his description: Do I see another "Landlord's Game/Monopoly" story in the making?
Since it seems relevant to the emergent gameplay that a lot of us have talked about in the latest blog posts, I thought that I'd share this link with everyone: It's a card game called Dvorak in which the point is to make the cards as you play. There...
First of all, Matt, nice lead-in with the joke. Here's another one: A Rabbi, a Priest and a Guru walk into a bar, and the bartender says "What is this? A joke?"
What is really great about this article is something that I've been trying to drill into your brains all semester, and evidently it's working: CULTURAL CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING. Your point here is very well taken...these groups are essentially "playing" in the same space, they are just very different groups with very different frames of reference and intentions. This is one of the reasons I have said: think about WHO is playing your game. Fun is not the same for everyone. Stewart Brand is not going to consider Counter-Strike to be fun. The other thing I think your essay highlights is that for each of these groups, the PROCESS OF MAKING THE GAME is part of the fun; there is a great deal of focus on the creation of the game itself, and that is, in a sense, part of the game. It is interesting to note that Counter-Strike was developed by a distributed team. Whereas the "basement" culture was a bunch of guys co-conspiring together to transform a sci-fi novel into a computer program. Anyway, good work.
Oh by the way, I think in the third paragraph you might be mixing up Brand and Suits...I don't think Suits wrote about the Mother Earth game, but I could be mistaken.
Alternative Games and the Problem of Audience
A New Gamer, a Basement Geek, and a Game Modder walk into a bar. The bartender asks, "so what are you drinking tonight?". (I would give you an answer to that, but it turns out the joke is really long because they all want a different drink and have well explained needs that validate those drinks...
...Oh, and remind me to tell you the Uru hide-and-seek story next week.
Using our Imaaaaginations
So it turns out that all of those years of me running underneath a giant parachute or eating asphalt in a last attempt to capture that one person in a game a blob weren’t entirely pointless or merely just children’s’ games. Apparently what I had been doing in my free time as a child was exactly ...
Dan I really like your Ragnarok online story. A great deal of emergent gameplay evolves AFTER players have reached some kid of end-game state, at which point they experiment with more open-ended and subversive play types. So the anti-game described by the New Game readings can also come about not as a reaction against, but as an outgrowth of conventional gameplay.
Using our Imaaaaginations
So it turns out that all of those years of me running underneath a giant parachute or eating asphalt in a last attempt to capture that one person in a game a blob weren’t entirely pointless or merely just children’s’ games. Apparently what I had been doing in my free time as a child was exactly ...
Nice job of looking at personal experience through the lens of the readings.
SAmer Ead LCC4725 - Blog Post 2
“The goal of a game, we may say, is winning the game“[3]. While playing Ninja Turtles on the NES, I dare say, even though I was looking forward to win or beat the game (over and again!), my main purpose was to enjoy my time playing with friends, in one of the few and extravagant multiplayer gam...
I really like this idea. It has a lot going for it. It's one of those "Closure"-type games with a core mechanic that really has "legs." The light manipulation combined with the "Jack-and-the-Beanstalk" mechanic can really go in a lot of interesting directions.
It's not clear yet from these docs the aesthetic you are going for...I'm assuming the stick-figure design is just a mock-up. But I could also see this going in a really creative direction visually, with an emphasis on the plants, each of which could have it's own unique visual style, which includes the animation; some could also be flowering. It could be visually really beautiful.
You might want to look at Flower, and also Blueberry Garden for some ideas about how to handle the art direction. I could see this game being a very submlime experience based on the art style and the animation of the plant growth. You might aslo want to look at Feed on Fractals, from last year's class:
GROWTH, a videogame by Team Growth
A text document and associated images for the upcoming game GROWTH. The game is developed by Team Growth: Mariam Asad, Matthew Drake, Tom Gibes, and Brian Hertler. Download GROWTH Description. A full explanation of game concept, mechanics, etc. Download GROWTH Pitch Materials. The current game...
Dysphoria, by Vignesh Pro Studios
LCC 8823/4725 Concept Pitch Vignesh Pro Studios presents: Dysphoria Team Members: Vignesh Swaminathan Nicholas Watson David Wick Samer Ead Game Concept: Dysphoria is a simulation game with a dysfunctional insomniac as its central subject and character. However, the character is not controlled directly by the player. Instead, the player has control over the environment (the subject’s house), with the ability to add, remove or alter objects in the setting. The character has his/her own goals, intentions and behavioural patterns, but the player can alter these by modifying the environment. The character, who is jobless, unmotivated and a bit anti-social, wakes... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2009 at Game Design as Cultural Practice Fall 2009
Brilliant post David. This is an exemplary rendition of this assignment! You covered all the bases and brought in your own personal experience as well; it's also well-structured and articulate.
Harvest Moon: Video Game, or Cleverly Disguised Agricultural Propaganda?
In 1996, soon after the release of the Nintendo 64, a friend of mine introduced me to a game called Harvest Moon. Having sided with the enemy in the previous console war (I still don't remember where my Genesis got to), I missed out on the Super Nintendo iteration of the series, and was completel...
Jason this is a fantastic essay, and I like the way you articulate the way individual players can lean towards certain aspects of games and play within their individual play styles. The only problem is that you didn't include Huizinga and Suits in this, but I think you did one of the most thoughtful analyses of this assignment esp. vis a vis describing specific game elements and how they map to the theoretical ideas discussed.
Blogpost #2 - Mimicry Reigns!: A reflection on my play experience with MAID
About a couple weeks ago at Dragon Con, I took part in a slew of various games ranging from various RPGs to Magic: The Gathering to Munchkin. I also got a chance to play a one-shot of MAID RPG, a rules-light comedy RPG game from Japan that I’ve previously played and enjoyed. Through the example ...
Nice post Tom. You make an excellent point here about game hacks: game hacks seldom provide an absolute solution to a win condition, rather typically provide incremental improvements. For instance, no-one would make a game hack of Dragon Crawl that would give the Orb and take you to the exit. By doing this you would eliminate the entire point of the game, which is, in Suits words, to accomplish this goal through the least efficient means. Within that hacks might make some aspects more efficient, but they are rarely use to achieve the desired game state in one fell swoop.
Game Definitions exemplified in Dungeon Crawl
Linley's Dungeon Crawl (known more simply as Crawl) is a roguelike game first released to the public in 1997. While this is a relatively late release date, the game is derived from a long series of similar games (of which the most popular is probably Nethack) that span almost two decades back t...
This is good Terris. Not much about Suits, but I really like your take on the idea that games have social value outside the game, a conclusion drawn by some of your classmates as well.
Definition of Play, Agon, and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike.
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (SFIII:3S), barely constitutes as a 90's game, having been released in 1999, however it's the oldest fighting game that I am most meticulously familiar with. While reading the essays by Huizinga, Caillois, and Suits I maintained the mindset of "how do these theorie...
Richard this gets off to a good start, and I like the choice because this is a sort of subversive game that puts you in the role of the bad guy, and you tried to subvert THAT by being nice to your minions and prisoners. Where I think this falls short is that the application of the readings is rather thin. I would have liked to see you explore some of the key concepts in their application to the game and its features in a little more depth.
Dungeon Keeper: Rules and Mechanics as Fiction
In 1997 Bullfrog Studios, under the direction of Peter Molyneux, released a real-time strategy game called Dungeon Keeper. In this game, the player takes on the role of an evil dungeon master in order to attract minions, build lairs and mazes, and cast magical spells in an effort...
Really nice essay Jerry, and it addresses the nuances where these classical definitions fall short. I disagree with your analysis of Suits, however, because although the outcome may be variable, the process is achieved via following rules. You bring up cheat codes, but I think in digital games these are just thought of perhaps as a meta-game rather than the way cheating is construed in board games. Finally, your comment about the brotherhood got me thinking about the construction of "gamer." You could argue that the niche market I was referring to in my lecture last week is really the "brotherhood of gamers" (and I mean that as a very distinctly gendered reference), that is the idea that the default "gamer" position is male, and that it is an exclusive "club" for people in the know.
Super Mario 64 Jumps Over the Definitions of a Game
Super Mario 64 was released for the first time on June 23, 1996 (Japan, North America received it in September) as a launch title for the Nintendo 64. It was the first 3D version of Mario to be released, and eventually became one of the most revolutionary games of all time. It was particularly ...
Very nice job David. A few typos/grammatical issues but otherwise, a nice analysis. I like the way you analyze the game from the player perspective, as each player might focus on a different aspect of the game or have a different experience of it's various aspects.
Minesweeper's Multifaceted Mind
Minesweeper, the classic puzzle game that comes with every Microsoft operating system has transcended time to become a staple in every puzzle gamers' list. The familiar block clicking and quantitative puzzle solving game is the pastime of students in class, people stuck inside on a rainy day, a...
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