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betles/hendrix? No sir this is not similar in any way... well maybe beatles
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I just slipped some rohypinol into your styrofoam cup B
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Don't know why you put Game under Jay's victims, if not just for the fact that pic wit him n jones is Hilarious lol. Jay was too bitch to respond to Game tho he knew that the one nigga who could cut him up lyricaly n Jay too old n broken down to mess around there. What You SHOULd do is chalk up all Games victorys try to point out last time he caught an "L" n Jay don't count he aint neva respond to "SO WavY"!!!!!
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Fuck right off, Jimmy didnt say "Imma start eating your ass up" you tool. You think he'd actually say that shit? Didn't that sound a little odd to you? Go back, listen again, and then edit your shit. Im not a huge jim jones fan but wtf you tryna make it look so gay for with your highlighting "I SHOULD GET DEEPER". I see what you did there n it aint cool
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Man hasn't anybody noticed that the majority of rappers either; a) completely lip synch their songs, or b) have the complete track plus lyrics in the background while they rap like half the lines. TI did the latter on the show,u could tell, but damn near everyone else does it, especially the shittier rappers. Lil Wayne fer sure does his shows legit, maybe Jeezy. I'd expect TI to do so as well it just basically shows your a professional I mean they aint rockin crazy guitar solos or streaching their vocal chords to extreme ranges, just spittin rhymes
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