This is Ken Sumka's Typepad Profile.
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Ken Sumka
Interests: The Cubs, Music, Radio, Chicago History, Wisconsin, The Rolling Stones, Italian Food, Aviation, Movies, The New York Times Crossword Puzzle and more....
Recent Activity
Ken Sumka is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
The interface for editing posts was decent but the Type Lists button was tough to find. Once I found it, it didn't work. Usually you can just type a keyword or two and the engine finds what you are looking for. Not with the new design. I typed in EVERY WORD in the title and it couldn't find it. When I switched back to the 'old' way, it found what I was looking for easily.
Until the bugs are worked out, I'll be using the old design for the most part.
Tell us why you are switching back
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