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Ken Brizzi
Central California
Garden Success the First time.
Interests: music, travel, golf, organic vegetable gardening, family, eating out, fruit trees, the coast, low maintenance gardens, retail nursery management.
Recent Activity
I found a wonderful cartoon introduction to gardening. It is at the following site: Children will enjoy watching the action. Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Garden Activity October 9, 2012: Ken Brizzi Community Garden Fruit trees were pruned to 9’ tall right after harvesting. Also, we removed crossing, sick and severely lopsided limbs. Harvest pumpkins, strawberries, Tomatoes, Zucchini, Tomatillos, Quince, Peppers, and your other crops to keep them from feeding pest populations. For Fall Plantings... Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
By carefully observing the layouts of Arboretums, Zoos and Botanical Gardens, you can get ideas of how plants live together side by side and how you can use plants effectively in your own yard. Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Fresh food in your own yard every month of the year. Californians have local Farmer's markets year around, too. We have no need to buy from out of state unless it's delicately tropical or exotic; even then, Southern California usually sends tropical fruits and vegetables up north to us. Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Ken Brizzi added a favorite at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Mar 25, 2012
Don Francisco wrote and performs "Adam, Where are You?" It is the story of God and Adam's relationship from the very beginning in the Garden of Eden and now God's relationship with us. Don F. uses the Garden analogy to explain God's care for us and our resposibility to care... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head, French Fries, Gluten Free, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Potato Peeling Contest, Digging for potato nuggets with the kids, Breakfast of little fried softies smothered in butter, learning how to juggle, au grautin, steamy, stuffed and cheesey; need I say more? Please pass the butter, sour cream and garlic chives. Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Potato famine, non-gluten food, mashed potatoes, potatoes and gravy, purple potato, stuffed potato, French Fries, Couch Potato, Potato Chips! How can anyone resist???????????? Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2012 at Potato Pointers
If you love beauty, here is the garden for you. It is also the place for art and history. Plan a guided tour, self tour, picnic, and photographic tour. Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Water born diseases spread in fruit trees with late season rains. We need the water for roots to grow, but at the same time, diseases spread. Expect Cherries fruits to have cracks. Expect leaves of Peaches and Nectarines to get Peach leaf curl even if you have sprayed. Expect the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Ken Brizzi is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2012
Ken Brizzi added a favorite at Everything Typepad
Mar 5, 2012
Keep your spring garden weed-free. It is easier to hoe small weeds than try to pull large, deeply rooted weeds. If you are fighting Bermuda grass, you may have to resort to treating individual clumps with a paint brush or cotton gloves that have Round-up on them when the Bermuda... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Get a jump on your vegetable garden by growing vegetable plants in protected areas before the spring growing season. Plant tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, Cucumber, Squash, Melons, Herbs and your garden favorites from seed in flats or small pots in a sunny window or covered with plastic at night and warmed with a bottom heating cable 6 weeks before the last frost which is April 1 in Sacramento. Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
I hope you have at least picked out your tomato seeds. i've planted mine for myself and 200 for the "Feed the Hungry" garden. Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
I hope you have at least picked out your tomato seeds. i've planted mine for myself and the entire "Feed the Hungry" garden. 200 seeds are in potting soil protected under a clear plastic canopy. Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Kona sunset. 81 degrees F. Sitting next to a blow hole off the 6th fairway next to a sand trap. Peaceful paradise, drinking white Napa valley wine and eating macadamia nuts from today's factory tour. Helicopter ride over the volcano's lava flow was exciting. Be sure to see the Sea... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Edible. And God made all the plants for man to name and eat and they were good. Good to eat, and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm. Don't worry, though, God will give you a new body and He will renew your soul for eternity for God is Love. Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
It's in the daily news, on the radio, TV, Internet, grocery line conversation, barber shops, prayers, the dreaded word "drought". Back in the 1970's, I was interviewed on TV and for the newspapers about the great drought. Will we all shrivel up and die? Will our yards all be dead; our lawns, shrubs, trees, flowers and vegetable gardens? Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Ken Brizzi is now following hank
Jan 30, 2012
Prepare for fruit tree budding now. You can buy a bare root tree and gather bud wood to bud in late winter. Keep the wood moist and cool in your refrigerator. Get a nurseryprofessional's help selecting the rootstock that will thrive in your soil for long time success. Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
This class clarified winter and summer pruning and the reasons for pruning. I showed flower and leaf buds of various fruit trees and how to identify different types of fruit trees by their dormant wood. Participants learned how to make their trees produce at a younger age, and how to have fruit produced at a pickable height, that is without needing a twenty foot ladder. They also learned the value of how to control where the next branch will grow and in what direction. The demonstration was hands-on and I helped them to prune and graft with purpose and success. Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
The Crocker Art Museum is in downtown Sacramento (216 O Street, Sacramento, CA) and is one of many reasons to visit Sacramento (alongside river rafting, the Capitol, the Kings while we still have them, the State Fair, Thanksgiving 10Ks, the Crest Theatre, the River Cats, the Delta King, gold mines,... Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 14, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners
Ken Brizzi is now following SarahRoselinda
Jan 14, 2012
Dill Pickles - The Blue Ball Book - Short Method Recipe doubled with some adaptations to make 7 quarts. Use a meat slicer to cut cucumbers 1/4" thick as "stackers" when fitting in canning jars. 1 cup each sugar and sea salt 2 qt. distilled white vinegar (5% acid) 2... Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 13, 2012 at Timely Tips for Gardeners