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Gareth Shanker
Wolverhampton, UK
Recent Activity
Can't wait for the video!
Quick Update, 'Breathe' Video Coming Soon...
Hey everyone, So psyched for this next leg of the David Cook tour. We are even hitting Montreal!!! It has been years since I have visited, so I am really pumped. Feeling great, thanks for all the support while I needed a week's rest. In return for all the support, you will be the first to see th...
Gareth Shanker is now following Account Deleted
Sep 16, 2009
What's happened to the rss feed for the blog, mine...
What's happened to the rss feed for the blog, mine hasn't updated for ages, it's still on "serenity", i thought you just hadn't updated for ages but it seems the rss isn't updating as you obviously have. Hope the vocal... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2009 at Ryan Star
Like the new layout... very 2.0
and Breathe is a great choice for the next single
hope you can come to the UK soon!
Ryan Star
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