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Joanna -- thanks for the kind words! Glad you see scary hope as a wonderful journey cuz it sure is. Yes I'm doing 31 days this year, and I hope you are too.
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Em -- chomp chomp. Thanks for the encouragement. I told your mom - she says she wants to write to her 30-year old self. I told her to write to her teen self warning her about her 30-year old self :)
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Thanks Stacy!
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Pam - Thanks - and I double dog dare you to show it to someone!
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Rebekah - I'll bet you'd keep your same journey (or most of it) too, wouldn't you. Thx
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Thanks Dawn!
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Nester - Wore the dickey. And the orange socks--and pants were shorter then so you know, more glory.
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Thanks for the encouragement Connie -- there's always another step.
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Carol -- thanks! My fuzzy's still fuzzy AND scary. So good luck!
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Joy -- just copy the address and link to it like you do any other post on FB. Thx for the encouragement.
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2012 on Expect the basement at New Life'n
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Kara -- Appreciate it. Don't you get tired of making decisions based on the basement?
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2012 on Expect the basement at New Life'n
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Brooke -- thanks so much for the kind words
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2012 on Expect the basement at New Life'n
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Thank you Mrs.B! Appreciate it.
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2012 on Expect the basement at New Life'n
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Sorry for the confusion. Yes it's the Washington Monument. Sometimes I don't connect the dots enough :) I updated it.
Toggle Commented Oct 8, 2011 on 'They' are right at New Life'n
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Jen -- we've all got a story; we just share and the Lord decides how to use it. Thx
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Shelley -- Stories of change inspire me, too, and shape my expectations and perspective.
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Emily -- ...and fall down, and our knees get bloody, and we get mad and fight, and eat a grape popsickle
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Jody, Georgia -- thanks!
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Annie -- will you be glad to come home or could you stay lots longer?
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Melissa -- me too! I think!
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Kathleen -- Wonderful; you're welcome.
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Nancy -- Great!
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Gina -- I'm great at the mulling; the doing is the scary
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Kristen -- Great! Thanks.
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Round -- Wow -- you're facing it and talking about it out loud. On your blog, I'd name your son, even if it's not his real name; or it could be a nickname. 'A' loses impact. Your adventure of drawing your own map could really help others.
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