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Gregors Plumbing and Gas
Noosaville, Qld 4566
Gregors Plumbing and Gas have been serving the Sunshine Coast for many years. Our local knowledge and personal service make any plumbing or gas issues a breeze. Our team of licensed plumbers and gas fitters offer a professional approach and ensure commitments are met. We have a reputation for reliability and neatness and pride ourselves on being efficient, friendly and honest. Our services include plumbing systems, plumbing repairs, emergency plumbing, gas fitting, gas services, hot water systems and sewer and septic systems. So if you have a toilet leak, gas leak or a burst pipe then give Gregors Plumbing and Gas a call for all your domestic or industrial plumbing needs. Gregors Plumbing and Gas can also handle all plumbing insurance work on the Sunshine Coast as well as plumbing for renovations. We are known for coming up with efficient and cost-saving plumbing solutions that work for our clients.
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Jun 8, 2018
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