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lol i would not dumpster dive even at a fancy place, but i did work in a bakery once and often if you are there at close, the staff is more than happy to give you amazing treats for free. once we gave away two whole cakes to a very grateful mother!
Frugan Living...
Frugan Living ( turns food trash high-class. What are your best food savings tips...assuming you draw the line at dumpster diving?
i have been using the vancouvergames app. vancouvergames ftw!
Can't watch the Olympics during prime time....or...
Can't watch the Olympics during prime time....or in Canada? Here's a guide to catching the hightlights online: Are you watching any of the Olympics online? Where..and what?
i think steak is always appropriate...after a Saints victory!!
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gavotron added a photo at Life Scoop Community
Feb 4, 2010
gavotron is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 4, 2010
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