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Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 4, 2010
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 4, 2010
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 4, 2010
It's neat you made a list of things you love! That's what I keep encouraging people to do. I say:
And that's what you did :)
Repost my 1st post bc i deleted it on accident:...
Repost my 1st post bc i deleted it on accident: Channing you rock for doing this! Living in California, I cannot express my love enough to my family & friends! I Love: life waking up family friends dancing art live music sunshine movies on a rainy night - like in LA right now beaches sand in my t...
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
No matter how you feel or what has happened, love already lives in you, waiting to grow and take over. You can choose to love. My hope is that something comes your way to inspire you to be more, do more, and love more. Remember to be kind towards yourself. Do something new, do something different, do something you enjoy, especially things that you haven't done in a while. We tend to get so caught up in life or our own emotions or reactions to situations that we don't just sit down and relax, to just pause and do something we love. Love can always come back as long as you want it to.
Sorry all but I have to say I've lost the love :(
Sorry all but I have to say I've lost the love :(
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
What do you mean by "mine keeps changing"?
im glad im me im glad everyone has the ability to...
im glad im me im glad everyone has the ability to be there own self but for some reason mine keeps changeing i never got that people change and i think im the only one who can realize it as soon as it happens
I still haven't seen Stop-Loss or Fighter yet. I'm going to show Dear John to my mom pretty soon along with Mamma Mia. I showed her a short clip of the beginning of the "Honey, Honey" scene. She was like "Wow, she can really sing! She's so cute". She wants to watch it.
just watched dear john, step up, shes the man,...
just watched dear john, step up, shes the man, stop-loss!!! i lovvvvve channing tatum!! and this website!
Thank you so much, Carrie, I really appreciate it. I actually just got back from seeing fireworks with friends and a dispute happened, so I got home still a little heated from that. I ranted to my dad about it then got on here for positive vibes. I'm more content now lol
Thanks for welcoming me and I'm happy to be a part of this family. I love how people actually interact with each other through here building a community. I started a facebook group called "Being Free" last December. It's similar to this in a way. :)
Hey Channing! I absolutely LOVE the heart and...
Hey Channing! I absolutely LOVE the heart and vision behind this whole thing. I can tell you're passionate about this and it's wonderful. It's great that both you and Jenna are spreading so much hope and positivity to the world. Love is universal. Love is everlasting, true, pure, preservering, st...
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
I love this! Definitely loving the colors! I'm going to the beach with some friends to watch fireworks tonight. I hope you're having a great weekend!
No title
Gbayne478 shared a video on YouTube
at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
Gbayne478 shared a video on YouTube
at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
Gbayne478 shared a video on YouTube
at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
Gbayne478 is now following Hannahcarter5

Jul 3, 2010
Aw, that is absolutely wonderful, Hannah!! Wow. Definitely keep appreciating & loving.
I recently just found Post The Love all thanks to...
I recently just found Post The Love all thanks to my friend, Gina. After looking through all the posts, the videos, the poems, I have this new-found appreciation for Matt, the love of my life. I love him with everything I am. I couldn't ask for someone better to be by my side the rest of my life....
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
Gbayne478 added a favorite at Post the Love
Jul 3, 2010
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