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Vienesse Homan
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I like the little .gif you got there. I love Supernatural!
I'm with you on the hoping for a new season. But I think there will be. :) I have high hopes.
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Vienesse Homan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Feb 8, 2010
Vienesse Homan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Feb 8, 2010
I loved this ep. No lie. I actually like Claire, since she's portrayed by my favorite actress, and I like her character. But also think about it. Since Claire just exposed them, there is now room for another season!!
click here to see what i think. i may have a few...
click here to see what i think. i may have a few clues as to spoilers so... this is my opinion!
SOOO!!! There is room for another season, with the way that they ended it there has to be.I mean think about it. I still think that Gabriel now will become Sylar again with Samuel kinda gone. I want to hear everyones thoughts. I would make this longer but I have to take a shower and get ready for bed. :( I'll get back on in a few!!!!!
But all in all I loved the episode. I almost cried when I saw Charlie start to cry.
Spoiler inside!
Spoiler inside!
Spoiler inside!
Spoiler inside! Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
I mean there are ladies, like Tracy, it almost seems like she's been kicked off... but she hasn't.
And Sylar needs a woman, but then I'd watch the episode and wonder why that isn't me.. lol.
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box...
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box it contains a spoiler, so if you haven't seen the episode don't read. :)
Me too... it's too soon to end. I'm actually still in shock. It's crazy. Claire/Gabriel... I can see it. Remember though in past episodes, Claire does go rogue... remember that.... Is that because of her father? Samuel? Sylar? No one knows.
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box...
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box it contains a spoiler, so if you haven't seen the episode don't read. :)
Heroes best not end. I don't think it will yet. There is too much going on to end it.
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box...
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box it contains a spoiler, so if you haven't seen the episode don't read. :)
SORRY IN ADVANCE FOR THIS BEING SOOO LONG! I just have a lot on my mind right now. :)
All this talk about Sylar being gone is freaking me out. The problem is that they've almost killed him off before, but I don't think they will because Sylar has such a HUMONGOUS fan base that they'd lose fans by doing that.
I will admit I kinda like the on and off Sylar/Gabriel Good/Bad thing, but it keeps me thinking that it's all just a prank, because Sylar has pulled it before, but I don't think it is this time. I feel that because they brought Samuel on and he's the new Villain, that Sylar is now a Hero.
And I love the Peter/Sylar thing more than Mohinder/Sylar. I loved how Peter wanted to hurt Sylar, but he couldn't. The best part of tonights episode was when Peter gave Sylar the book, seriously I almost cried. I thought that Sylar was going to get all emotional, because Zachary played the facial expressions extremely well, did he not?
@SourceNRG, of course all scenes with Zachary Quinto make every girl swoon! And it is hard to take with him trying to be a good guy... it's just seems fishy. And if you are horribly twisted, then so am I. Sylar was the ORIGINAL villain and he best stay that way!!!
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box...
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box it contains a spoiler, so if you haven't seen the episode don't read. :)
I mean that the Season Finale is coming up... not this nights. FYI
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box...
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box it contains a spoiler, so if you haven't seen the episode don't read. :)
Sorry, I kept getting interrupted while typing it...
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box...
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box it contains a spoiler, so if you haven't seen the episode don't read. :)
OMG!!! Really?!? Sylar?!? A hero?!? I like it, but a part of me doesn't. I have a feeling that Sylar will go back to his original ways. I miss the old Sylar, the hot bad guy Sylar, not that he isn't hot anymore.... Seriously, loved all the scenes with Sylar and Peter, *swoons*. Ahhhh, total bliss...
I feel kinda sorry for Bennett now... with the new info on him... kinda sad.
Season Finale? Make me cry much? Lol.
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box...
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box it contains a spoiler, so if you haven't seen the episode don't read. :)
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box...
... this is a shocking moment. Look in comment box it contains a spoiler, so if you haven't seen the episode don't read. :) Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
Thank you! That means a lot. I'm glad that you like it. I just want to make it clear that it's his signature/autograph in the top left hand corner. This took me a while because I didn't know what images to use and where to put them. But I found some of my favorite images, but my most favorite is the middle one, his arm muscles... *swoon**blissful sigh*.
Thanks again! Happy Midweek to you also!
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Yah, no problem. I have more, but they're all on my school computer. I'll get them on here eventually!
And thanks!
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Vienesse Homan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jan 25, 2010
Vienesse Homan added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Jan 25, 2010
Vienesse Homan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jan 25, 2010
I loved the episode, but I'm not happy with Lydia...
I loved the episode, but I'm not happy with Lydia gone, I really liked her. I'm also mad at Matt, I know that Sylar/Gabriel(IDK, which one he is anymore... lol) wanted his powers gone, but they aren't totally gone. I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2010 at Zachary Quinto
I noticed that @DobbyJunior. You just got me thinking on that whole matter.
@Queenbmia, I think that their relationship might go on for a bit and then just end. I really think that if they DID have a relationship it would be very subtle and that Kirk would try to woo Uhura away from Spock... but that's just what I think. :)
I have watched Pass/Fail 4 times already, more to...
I have watched Pass/Fail 4 times already, more to come. I love how Zach makes Sylar different in so subtle a way. He starts off with Claire, still cracking his jokes, but something is slightly off. Then he admits to not being himself. I instantly thought, he IS being himself. His overlay (Sylar) ...
I agree with you entirely. I love that Zachary is able to make those slight changes in character, to help you understand that there is something wrong with Sylar/Gabriel.
I also like how he(Zachary) is not being "type casted" as a villain. Because that is what happens to most stars. He was able to break out of that and play a hero(Spock). It's very amazing. :)
I have watched Pass/Fail 4 times already, more to...
I have watched Pass/Fail 4 times already, more to come. I love how Zach makes Sylar different in so subtle a way. He starts off with Claire, still cracking his jokes, but something is slightly off. Then he admits to not being himself. I instantly thought, he IS being himself. His overlay (Sylar) ...
Vienesse Homan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jan 21, 2010
@I'mhavingaZachAttack - ? look at what? i'm confused...
Loved the episode, when he semi-smiled at Gretchen...
Loved the episode, when he semi-smiled at Gretchen my heart melted. :) Sylar confused= adorable-ness! :))))) Every time I see him in a photograph or on the big screen or small, my heart starts racing and I begin breathing harder. It's utter bliss.
Vienesse Homan added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jan 18, 2010
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