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Gdub441 is now following AVATAR
Dec 6, 2009
I'm a sucker for the classics... I like the original teaser poster for Avatar:
What's Your Favorite AVATAR Movie Poster?
There have been tons of posters for AVATAR, starting with vague shots of the moon Pandora by itself or in orbit around its primary gas giant and proceeding quickly to the face of Neytiri or of Jake's avatar's face. Meanwhile, concept art sprouted fantastic landscapes and fearsome military hard...
Wow, I'd love to win tickets to see this movie! I saw the preview they had a few months ago, and I've been dying to see the entire thing ever since!
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Join the community, post your favorite AVATAR links and photos - and you could win free movie tickets and other fun prizes! Check back soon for more details. You can also create your own AVATAR microblog - and update your Twitter and Facebook friends! Official Typepad AVATAR Contest Rules
Gdub441 is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 3, 2009
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