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Gear_skull is now following Wil
Sep 7, 2010
Hey Wil, That reading was awesome. Thats how I feel when playing games with my girlfriend a lot of the time. She just destroys me.
I'm the guy whose journal you really liked and tweeted about at your Sunday signing. Anyway, I've started some work on a new journal and I would really like for you to have it. If you want it, you have my email and my card, drop me a line. The journal will take me a few days to a week or so to complete. Thanks again.
Video of my reading from PAX Prime: Triple Word Score
While browsing Reddit during my morning coffee, I came across this: I remember how much I liked writing this story for LA Daily, but until GenCon, I'd never read it in public. Both times I've read it, though, it's gone over very well, so I'll probably add it - at least temporarily - to my pe...
Gear_skull is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 6, 2010
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