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gene added a favorite at AVATAR
Dec 22, 2009
Um Ok.
Um Ok. Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2009 at AVATAR
Thanks for your response. I wished I read it prior to going to see it last night. I agree. He was probably too young. There was language issues and he asked what they were doing (the mating scene). I just told him they were dancing. It was very good and he said he liked it as well.
Need help! I really would like to see this movie...
Need help! I really would like to see this movie and so does my 8 year old son. That is my dilema. I know its PG-13 but so was Transformers. Those that have seen it, would you take your 8 year old to see it??
If I see it, it will be in 2D.
AVATAR: It's Better in 3-D
James Cameron just released a movie about using technology to become immersed in another world, and it seems the 3-D and motion capture are all they're cracked up to be, and the 2-D and 3-D versions are practically different movies, blogs this Singaporean fan. How immersed have viewers gotten...
Need help! I really would like to see this movie...
Need help! I really would like to see this movie and so does my 8 year old son. That is my dilema. I know its PG-13 but so was Transformers. Those that have seen it, would you take your 8... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2009 at AVATAR
gene is now following AVATAR
Dec 19, 2009
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2009 at gene's blog
gene is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 19, 2009
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