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heart of gold, knob of butter
Interests: paleo, triathlons, fitness, health, nutrition, exercise
Recent Activity
The hot dog is the noblest of dogs.
It feeds the hand that bites it.
GRAINS ARE GREAT... for Fattening You Up!
Just sayin'....
Fitchutney is now following Nell
Sep 28, 2011
Grains are petfood for humans :(
GRAINS ARE GREAT... for Fattening You Up!
Just sayin'....
Yes and yes! It's pure convenience, a quick shake :)
Is Plant Protein Paleo?
Some is. Some is NOT. How can you tell the difference? Although most fruits and vegetables are largely comprised of the macronutrient, carbohydrate, there ARE small amounts of proteins and sometimes even a little bit of fat in many of the paleo plants we eat. The traces of protein found in, ...
I use hemp protein with natural strawberry flavour. I also add BCAA, creatine and leucine too. It's got a great nutritional profile and the extras I add gives it an extra kick.
Is Plant Protein Paleo?
Some is. Some is NOT. How can you tell the difference? Although most fruits and vegetables are largely comprised of the macronutrient, carbohydrate, there ARE small amounts of proteins and sometimes even a little bit of fat in many of the paleo plants we eat. The traces of protein found in, ...
Hi there, I'm based in the UK. I've recently retired for triathlons and marathon running, although I still run half marathons. I'm now focused in more on diet and nutrition. My new fitness regime consists of a combination of Body by Science, 4 Hour Body and tabata running. I also cycle specific supplementation over time. Works great for me :)
GELS and Being Paleo
For those of you who've followed my blog for a while, you'll already know that there is one non Paleo food in my diet, which is the carbohydrate gel. Most of my clients, blog readers and twitter followers have seemed to accept this but every so often, I'll get an inquiry regarding the fact that...
I tend to take in protein, in the form of a chicken breast, coupled with some carbs (normally a banana) about three hours before an endurance event. 15 minutes before the start I have two High5 plus gels and then I alternate between water and energy drinks. Works great!
GELS and Being Paleo
For those of you who've followed my blog for a while, you'll already know that there is one non Paleo food in my diet, which is the carbohydrate gel. Most of my clients, blog readers and twitter followers have seemed to accept this but every so often, I'll get an inquiry regarding the fact that...
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