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Towards a New Missional Mapping?
Jason Clark will be presenting this recent digest of missional theology later in November at 'Seek the Welfare of the City'. We thought that it would be helpful for you all to engage it here. Is there any pointing mapping... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
Reflections on the Summer of 2010, by Daniel A. Siedell
Reflections on the Summer of 2010 Daniel A. Siedell Classes start next week. As I hustle to put together course syllabi for the fall semester my work this summer has forced me to reconsider the contours of my academic vocation.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
thanks for the connection between martyn and these fellows. I thought there was something there, but I wasn't confident to make it.
Do we really get Romans? A little Badiou and Žižek can help.
It's been said that reformations and revolutions in Christianity begin with a re-reading of Romans. That is certainly true of the Protestant Reformation with Luther's epoch-shaking insight into the meaning of the phrase "the righteousness of God." It is true as well of Barth's commentary Th...
great post. I really like the way you raised the issues here.
this is slightly off topic, but in our dying-rising in Christ, are we in a sense a zombie people?
Body and Soul: the Self in Between
In Existence and the Absolute, Jean-Yves Lacoste writes about the inseparability of soul and body. “The problem of the body is that it is an I: not some ‘thing’ that we may or may not possess, but something we are: and, more rigorously, something that defines us as man: as someone.” (p.7) La...
well there you go. sounds great. please keep us posted as you go.
Ecclesiology as a Rival "Ascetic" of Desire
(I have edited this post realising my most of the content was pre-mature, and please forgive any consternation this causes. And apologies where the comments do not align with this truncated version) Within my PhD work I have ben trying to understand how capitalist markets affect Christian ide...
Augustinian Inversions: How would the Bishop Contend in Postmodernity?
Over the last several years of studying contemporary (continental) philosophy and theology and the theology of Augustine, I’ve noticed several recurring themes, or rather, inversion of themes between contemporary theological battles and those in which Augustine was involved. Of course... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
jason and alan,
as i said before, I definitely love this line of research. and those are the books that I would recommend for Augustine also. I'm just starting through some of them myself.
Also, have you all seen William Connolly on Evangelical and Capitalism, and on Augustine. you will probably need to account for his critique in some form.
Alan, where are you studying?
Ecclesiology as a Rival "Ascetic" of Desire
(I have edited this post realising my most of the content was pre-mature, and please forgive any consternation this causes. And apologies where the comments do not align with this truncated version) Within my PhD work I have ben trying to understand how capitalist markets affect Christian ide...
he has a book called "tracks and traces" which is what I've read. he doesn't directly deal with the issues of evangelicalism like you are, but he mines the baptist heritage (which is broadly where evangelical came from) and shows the sacramental-ecclesiological roots.
for me, he is the antedote to Volf's ecclesiology (which I don't like) in "After Our Likeness."
Ecclesiology as a Rival "Ascetic" of Desire
(I have edited this post realising my most of the content was pre-mature, and please forgive any consternation this causes. And apologies where the comments do not align with this truncated version) Within my PhD work I have ben trying to understand how capitalist markets affect Christian ide...
have you read much of Paul Fiddes and his take on sacraments and baptist ecclesiology?
its pretty good.
Ecclesiology as a Rival "Ascetic" of Desire
(I have edited this post realising my most of the content was pre-mature, and please forgive any consternation this causes. And apologies where the comments do not align with this truncated version) Within my PhD work I have ben trying to understand how capitalist markets affect Christian ide...
like the others, I definitely support this type of research. I looks great. a missional, evangelical ecclesiology is so important right now.
as you said, "Personally I am wanting to remain within a missional evangelical identity and wondering if I can be an anglo-catholic baptist vineyard church pastor/minister, without having to converted to Anglicanism/Catholicism." I feel the same way, and I'm in the midst of a Jesuit university here at Marquette.
i would love to figure a communion/eucharistic (political) ecclesiology without becoming Anglican.
Ecclesiology as a Rival "Ascetic" of Desire
(I have edited this post realising my most of the content was pre-mature, and please forgive any consternation this causes. And apologies where the comments do not align with this truncated version) Within my PhD work I have ben trying to understand how capitalist markets affect Christian ide...
i would like to get at you book sometime soon, but current research might not lead through Badiou. but hopefully it will.
"Badiou and Theology": a not so micro-review
Frederiek Depoortere, Badiou and Theology (Philosophy and Theology). New York: T&T Clark International, 2009. Below is my review of Depoortere's recent book on Badiou. For a less favorable review see Clayton Crocket's over at NDPR (he sees it as incoherent, but I think this broadly has to do...
Response to "Some Provisional These" on Kingdom-World-Church
I want to continue the conversation (really just questioning) begun by James K.A. Smith between an ecclesiocentric view of mission and the "apocalyptic theology" of Halden, Kerr, and Siggelkow. (James commented on the Preamble). Really, I'm not offering a defense... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
I don't understand how the apocalyptic singularity of the in-breaking Kingdom should "disorient us with regards to how we think 'church' and 'world.'" Indeed, this seems to be exactly the opposite of the case. Before Jesus there was Jew and Gentile as the fundamental distinction, after Jesus, only after his apocalyptic in-breaking, can we know/see/(is disclosed for us) the distinction between the church and the world. This person/work (if I might be allowed such terms) creates the distinction, he doesn't ambiguate it.
And it feels like a clear dodge to put on Jamie (and/or myself b/c I agree that clarity is needed) a perverse desire for clarity regarding "world" especially when you then make reference to an "apocalyptic realism." to which world does such realism refer? the phenomenological world? psycho-symbolic? sinful? spiritual? redeemed? socio-political? created?
so regarding basic issues, I don't think "religion" creates the church/world distinction, but Jesus' apocalyptic historicity does, and for a good reason.
Which Kingdom? What World? Whose Church? A Response to Some Provisional Theses
Of late, several comment threads over at Inhabitatio Dei have been occasions for some ships passing in the night (shouting angrily at one another as they sense some threat in the vicinity!). These have generally come down to differences between those of us sympathetic to what some might call an...
"Badiou and Theology": a not so micro-review
Frederiek Depoortere, Badiou and Theology (Philosophy and Theology). New York: T&T Clark International, 2009. Below is my review of Depoortere's recent book on Badiou. For a less favorable review see Clayton Crocket's over at NDPR (he sees it as incoherent,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
Trakakis & Manolopoulos, Part 3
Part 3: Unknowing, or Perceiving the Invisible NT. I have always found it bewildering how one’s words and actions can be misinterpreted by others (and by oneself? – now there’s a question to ponder), no matter how clear and transparent... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
Trakakis & Manolopoulos, Part 2
Part 2: From Knowledge to Non-Belief, or Becoming More of An Atheist NT. Let me remind you what you said earlier: ‘God’ is a possible reality… The lack of such evidence for deity is self-evident. Nor is there any self-evident... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
Trakakis & Manolopoulos, Part 1
Part 1: Faith and Doubt in a Revolutionary Divinity The discussion begins with Nick querying Mark’s defence of hedonism in his new and thus far unpublished work, Wicked Wisdom: A Scandalous A-Z of Over 250 Life Issues (which, as the... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
yeah, I like what you are saying. yes, the aspect of the "conversation" is that it often doesn't interact with the conversation which has been going on for centuries (which is tradition via practice and theology). of course you can disagree with tradition, but too often the only tradition being conversed with is fundamentalism, and that is not nearly old enough.
Fundamentalist Inversions: Some Postmodern Variants
I want to put on the table some recent inversions of fundamentalism expressed under the guise of postmodern re-alignments. By fundamentalism I'm referring to the Christian fundamentalism created in the wake of the modernist debates in the US around the 1920 (a fun genealogy is here), not funda...
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Mar 15, 2010
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Mar 9, 2010
Fundamentalist Inversions: Some Postmodern Variants
I want to put on the table some recent inversions of fundamentalism expressed under the guise of postmodern re-alignments. By fundamentalism I'm referring to the Christian fundamentalism created in the wake of the modernist debates in the US around the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
Symposium: The Politics of Discipleship - Part 3
Here we present the final installment in our little symposium on Graham Ward's Politics of Discipleship--replaying a discussion of the book that took place at the American Academy of Religion last November. Today we post Graham Ward's response to Ron... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
Interview: "God is Dead" and I Don't Feel So Good Myself
Hands down, my favorite book title of this year is the new volume from the folks at The Other Journal: 'God is Dead' and I Don't Feel So Good Myself: Theological Engagements with the New Atheism, edited by Andrew David,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
Symposium: The Politics of Discipleship - Part 2
Today I'm glad to post a second response to Graham Ward's Politics of Discipleship: Becoming Postmaterial Citizens. This reflection comes from Luke Bretherton, a theologian, organizer, and activist who is Senior Lecturer in Theology at King's College London. Luke is... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
Symposium: The Politics of Discipleship - Part 1
Today we begin our three-part symposium on Graham Ward's new book, The Politics of Discipleship: Becoming Postmaterial Citizens. Because our contributions for this symposium are longer than some of our other chapter-by-chapter symposiums, I'm making the papers available as pdfs,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2010 at the church and postmodern culture: conversation
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