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I'm a little puzzled by your headline language, Valeria. Why would you want to "Keep Score on People?"
Traackr is a Way to Keep Score on People
And, according to Traackr CEO Pierre-Loïc Assayag, to predict someone's ability to gain influence through tracking specific conversations on the Web. I had the opportunity to speak at length with Assayag about the tool he and his team have built. At Traackr, the motto is that influence is a ...
I'll tell you what my take is. Empire Avenue = Klout on steroids, it's worse. That's from the pure analytics point of view.
Then there are the ethics. Buying and selling your friends and people. Um, what would our parents say. BTW, in America you could legally by slaves 150 years ago, and can legally buy people's bodies (sex) in some states.
The Quantified Self, Identity, and Value
The quantified self is a way to gain self knowledge through numbers. I first came across the concept within the context of health, as a way to self-track progress towards specific goals. From the site, slightly edited and summarized (emphasis mine): Quantified Self is a collaboration of users ...
Geoffliving is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 25, 2011
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