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Interests: sewing quick projects, and crafting unique items., scrapbooking, adorning my home
Recent Activity
What a beautiful layout! I love your sweet compliments! We think the world of you and you are soooo talented. Thanks for sharing your talents with us this week!
Guest Blogger: Jing-Jing Nickel...
Hi, it's Jing-Jing Nickel guest blogger here! To kick off my week of guest bloggin, I thought I would share a layout from yester-year. When Carolee and I were exchanging a few Facebook emails, I couldn't help but feel very nostalgic. You see, one of my most precious layouts was create...
Tammy I really love this idea for vacations because it's so easy to forget the fun things you did on your trips when you get home. Next time I will make one of these.
Final Day with Tammy...
Last year I learned how to alter little notebooks from my online scrappy friend, Kristin, at - They were so fun and easy that I made 5 for Christmas presents! When I saw the Destination collection, I knew I had to make one for my oldest daughter. She is goin...
Congrats you won! Email me and I'll send you the Ebook!
Win a Free Ella Book!
**WINNERS** AngMomof3 said... Thanks so much for the chance! Very cool. Ella is cutting edge, and I'd love to win an ebook! & Roxane said... The books look great, thanks for a chance to win. Guess what?? I have two Ella books to give away!!! I will pick two lucky winners M...
Congrats! You WON! Email me and I'll send you the EBook.
Win a Free Ella Book!
**WINNERS** AngMomof3 said... Thanks so much for the chance! Very cool. Ella is cutting edge, and I'd love to win an ebook! & Roxane said... The books look great, thanks for a chance to win. Guess what?? I have two Ella books to give away!!! I will pick two lucky winners M...
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Mar 15, 2010
Here is a link to our facebook.!/pages/Adornit-Carolees-Creations/126089442455?ref=nf
The due date is 2/27
February Scrapbook Challenge!
{EDIT ALERT - please read Debbie's edit message at the end of this post.} 10 Scrapbook Challenges in 2010! We're excited to announce a new series from our editor, Debbie Raymond. Instead of Beginner Basics, the awesome year of 2010 will be filled with monthly LAYOUT CHALLENGES for ...
Super cute layout Debbie! I love the story of you and Scott! Great job!
Love-ly Layouts
Happy Valentine's Day scrapping from Adornit editor, Debbie. I finished a double layout yesterday and want to share the LOVE! As usual, Adornit products made my scrapping quick and easy. (I have to be honest, it took a bit of time to write my Love Story - but it was time well spent.) This was...
That is one of my favorite things too!
Family Mini Album by Jing-Jing...
Here is an adorable mini album that Jing-Jing created using the new Family Heritage collection.
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