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For The Love of Port 2 Std. · Need some love from 1963 Vintage Ports! For The Love of Ports Foto. Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2015 at Port-Blog
Portblog ist wieder aktiv!! Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2015 at Port-Blog
The 1984 Vintage Verdelho from Blandy’s made me thinking. How come wines like this, shaped in a subtle and elegant way, rarely gets the attention they deserves? Is it a must that vintage Madeira needs intensity, everlasting length and more... Continue reading
Reblogged May 9, 2014 at Madeirawein-Blog
30. April 2014 „Der 1825er duftete nach Feigen und Marmelade“25. April 2014 Weinelf Deutschland siegt in der Schweiz mit 2:018. April 2014 Verstärkung für österreichische Weinvereine16. April 2014 Fränkische Winzer-Entdeckung: Beim Nickel-Silvaner fiel der Groschen31. März 2014 Ahrwinzer setzen flächendeckend... Continue reading
Reblogged May 8, 2014 at Port-Blog
Property of 17,8 ha in the Douro valley/North of Portugal. This "Quinta" has 12 ha of vineyards and a modern winery. There is an already approved touristic project for a hotel and a new building for the winery. EUR 1.700.000,-... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 10, 2014 at Port-Blog
Em 2013, o sector do vinho do Porto acentuou o seu comportamento autofágico e que é o retrato do próprio país, mais desigual do que nunca, com uns quantos cada vez mais ricos e a maioria cada vez mais pobre.... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 2, 2014 at Port-Blog
O presidente da Symington Family Estates, Paul Symington, e o crítico gastronómico do semanário “Expresso”, José Quitério, foram considerados “Personalidade do Ano”, no vinho e na gastronomia, respetivamente, pela revista WINE - A Essência do Vinho. A cerimónia de anúncio... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 1, 2014 at Port-Blog
Tawny Ports, long a less popular sibling of their ruby cousins, are gaining new attention. Seeing potential in the category, top Port houses are producing high-quality, long-aged tawnies and marketing them to American and U.K. consumers. via Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 27, 2014 at Port-Blog
This, a first for the winemaker (Pato did not embark on winemaking full time until 1985), flies against just about every innovation the Baga master was subsequently to introduce. For starters, Pato did no green or precision harvesting to lighten... Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 19, 2014 at Douro-Valley-Wines-Blog
O negócio, fechado há mais de dois meses, terá rondado perto de um milhão de euros. O anúncio foi feito na página do Facebook da Artur Barros e Sousa no dia 15 de Novembro, em português e inglês e de... Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 18, 2014 at Madeirawein-Blog
NEW YORK, Jan. 16, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Wines of Portugal today announces this year's 50 Great Portuguese Wines, an impressive collection chosen by esteemed US wine writer and personality, Joshua Greene. via Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 16, 2014 at Douro-Valley-Wines-Blog
Die kleine portugiesische Insel Madeira ist vor allem für ihren Wein weltberühmt. Der süße, bernsteinfarbene Tropfen erfreut sich bis heute großer Beliebtheit. Kommen Sie mit uns und dem Kölner Weinkeller auf exklusive Entdeckungsreise rund um das Thema Wein. Begleitet wird... Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 16, 2014 at Madeirawein-Blog
Do people still collect Vintage Port? Vintage Port has traditionally been found in the cellars of wine collectors alongside the bottles and cases of Bordeaux, Burgundy, Barolo, Tuscans and Napa Cabernet. Long-time collectors are only now finishing their last bottles... Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 15, 2014 at Port-Blog
As receitas do vinho Madeira ascenderam a 16,8 milhões de euros no ano de 2013, com três milhões de litros vendidos, revelou a Direção Regional de Estatística da Madeira (DRE). De acordo com os dados tornados públicos pela DRE, foram... Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 15, 2014 at Madeirawein-Blog
A categoria especial que mais contribuiu para este crescimento em 2013 foi o 'vintage', com o 'vintage' 2011 a representar 50% da quantidade exportada deste tipo de vinhos. via Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 13, 2014 at Port-Blog
Liam Campbell – 11 January 2014 via Continue reading
Reblogged Jan 13, 2014 at Douro-Valley-Wines-Blog
Thanks to the remarkable triumph of the declaration of the 2011 vintage in spring – buyers were clamouring to swipe allocations of the very best names – high-end port is back on the agenda. An unexpected consequence of its return... Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 18, 2013 at Port-Blog
Armin Veh (52) nahm das Hammer-Los gegen Porto beschwingt und grinste: „Da werde ich ausnahmsweise vorher selber mal hinfliegen zur Spielbeobachtung des Gegners...“ via Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 16, 2013 at Port-Blog
The Douro Valley may produce the world's most famous fortified wines, but this green, terraced canyon in northern Portugal has more going for it than sugary vino. Recent decades have seen a significant uptick in quality table wine varietals as... Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 9, 2013 at Port-Blog
Symington Family Estates has bought the much coveted 30 hectare Quinta da Sabordela vineyard in the Douro valley which will now be incorporated in to the neighbouring Quinta do Bomfim estate. via Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 9, 2013 at Port-Blog
Many things have happened in your life and in ours in the last two months: via Continue reading
Reblogged Dec 3, 2013 at Port-Blog
In an ideal world I’d make all my notes when tasting wine and visiting vineyards straight on to my laptop. I apologise to all those people obstructed at the tasting table by me and my Toshiba (perched on a six-bottle... Continue reading
Reblogged Nov 23, 2013 at Douro-Valley-Wines-Blog
Reblogged Nov 15, 2013 at Madeirawein-Blog
While American culture in general is preoccupied with the here and now, wine devotees are well accustomed to thinking long term. Laying down bottles and monitoring their evolution are passions of true enthusiasts, and this year in particular has proven... Continue reading
Reblogged Nov 4, 2013 at Port-Blog
O Vinho do Porto gerou um volume de negócios global de 236 milhões de euros entre Janeiro e Setembro, com as vendas no mercado interno a somaram 35 milhões, informou o Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto (IVDP). via... Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 31, 2013 at Port-Blog