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We demand a second!
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I think i speak for everyone who has seen this...
I think i speak for everyone who has seen this amazing movie that we want more blue hippies! I'am dieing to see an second movie from Avatar and James you've just became my favorite. You've simply have no choice cause if you don't make a second movie all get dragons on your ass. I was simply amazed by the graphics i mean the japaness made something alike like final fantasy but its nothing compared.. First of all theres real actors in this movie, Tame dragons?!, Scary mushrooms, and glowing fire flies that freakin' heals your skin! Thats all the ingredients... Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2010 at We demand a second!'s blog
We demand a second! is now following AVATAR
Jan 4, 2010
We demand a second! is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 4, 2010
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