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Giddy Jones
Recent Activity
Thats so awesome; thank you! Im going to make one just like yours (its so very inspiring, and it really pops off the white mantel)!
My mailing info is:
Lauren Stokes
445 Hwy 46 S
Ste 29 Box 138
Dickson, TN 37055
Wow; thanks again!
Lauren aka Giddy99
{12 days - day 9 - 600th POST!! Celebrate!!!}
Ohhhhhh it's my 600 POST here on the BLOG!!! Be sure and stay around til the end of the post for a chance to WIN something!!! yipeeeeeee!!! But first...let's make something beautiful and simple!! a fun Paper Blessed Bunting!!! What an awesome declaration!!! We Are Blessed! We sur...
Truly beautiful on all levels! Thanks for the chance.
{12 days - day 9 - 600th POST!! Celebrate!!!}
Ohhhhhh it's my 600 POST here on the BLOG!!! Be sure and stay around til the end of the post for a chance to WIN something!!! yipeeeeeee!!! But first...let's make something beautiful and simple!! a fun Paper Blessed Bunting!!! What an awesome declaration!!! We Are Blessed! We sur...
Thanks for the blessings, and back at ya! :)
{12 days of Christmas - day 10 - 2012 edition}
It's Friday!!!!! TGIF!!!! Only three more days (counting today!!! eeeeep!!) left of my 12 days of Christmas. Yesterday, my little girlies and I took down almost ALL of the Christmas stuff and put it away. (I totally forgot about the stuff in the front porch and yard! oops!) It was super c...
So FANTASTIC! I love Mimi's dolls, especially! Spoonflower ID: giddy99
We Make Dolls book and fabric giveaway
Things are really hopping in the Spoonflower shop these days! The printing and shipping crews are working almost non-stop to get orders out the door before our shipping deadlines. Then it's home to work on hand-made gifts with the whirr of sewing machines and the click of knitting needles re...
Love the 241 Tote, especially! Thanks for the chance! Spoonflower name is Giddy99
Noodlehead bag pattern giveaway
Just this morning, I was making out a list of gifts I wanted to give to friends and realized that I'll need to get cracking at this point if I hope to hand-make presents. If you find that you've been similarly sluggish about your hand-making thus far and need some ideas, you may be pleased t...
That is so awesome! username: giddy99
Spoonflower Gift Wrap Giveaway
I have a dear friend who about this time every year begins gloating that not only does she have all her Christmas shopping done, she's made major headway wrapping everything, too. She is one crazy organized individual but perhaps with Halloween behind us, it really is time to start wrapping ...
I love the Rainbow Cheater Quilt fabrics!
Cheater Quilt Fabric Giveaway
Here in NC, things are starting to look and feel downright cozy lately. The leaves are turning colors, temperatures are dropping to extra-blanket-at-night levels, and curling up on the sofa with a quilt to hand-stitch is becoming my preferred activity after the kids have gone to bed. With t...
I'd love to try knits someday, and get my mitts on this book! I'm Giddy99; thanks for the chance!
Fabrics A to Z book giveaway, from Dana Willard
The Spoonflower blog has been graced lately by virtual visits from some extremely talented guest posters. Among them, and up this week, is Dana Willard of the Made blog and author of Fabrics A to Z (called The Fabric Selector if you're UK-based). Dana has kindly offered to share her experie...
Wow! Those would make AWESOME Christmas gifts!!! Spoonflower ID is Giddy99
Lunch Bags Book Giveaway
With my kids about to return to school, this week has been a little nutty. We're attempting to cross a few remaining fun items off our summer to-do list but also going to dentist appointments, shopping for school supplies, pulling bigger clothes down from the attic for growing girls, and jus...
OH! Those are awesome, and awesomely funny, too! I'm anxiously awaiting warmth, light and color (vis a vis flowers, grass and more birds) - same as everyone, I think. :)
These hand towels were an awesome find, and I would LOVE to win, but I think I might have to borrow that idea and stitch my own, if I don't win... think anyone would mind?!
Spring can't get here soon enough giveaway!
well, well, well, look who's back....ME! it's been forever since i've been around these parts! strangely i've been busy and stagnant at the same time...the snow won't stop coming, i long for green shoots to spring up!! i promised a giveaway before and then i disappeared into the holiday abyss, s...
Giddy Jones is now following Snifferooski
Sep 14, 2010
Oh, I "get" it. The pleasure of embroidery, combined with the guilt that we really, really should be doing something else less selfish... I completely understand. But look at it; look at that embroidery! It's beautiful!
And YES, I just got my Molly pattern in the mail yesterday!!! EEEP! :)
Molly Crabapple!!
i know, i know, i'm supposed to be packing (since we're moving 3 days from now) and i know, i have 2 other awesome embroidery projects (for myself) in the works. but when i saw this, well, can you blame me for dropping everything, ordering (and since they ship ridiculously fast) and embroidering...
Giddy Jones is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 14, 2010
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