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Giddy Jones
Recent Activity
Thats so awesome; thank you! Im going to make one just like yours (its so very inspiring, and it really pops off the white mantel)! My mailing info is: Lauren Stokes 445 Hwy 46 S Ste 29 Box 138 Dickson, TN 37055 Wow; thanks again! Blessings, Lauren aka Giddy99
Truly beautiful on all levels! Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for the blessings, and back at ya! :)
So FANTASTIC! I love Mimi's dolls, especially! Spoonflower ID: giddy99
1 reply
Love the 241 Tote, especially! Thanks for the chance! Spoonflower name is Giddy99
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That is so awesome! username: giddy99
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I love the Rainbow Cheater Quilt fabrics!
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I'd love to try knits someday, and get my mitts on this book! I'm Giddy99; thanks for the chance!
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Wow! Those would make AWESOME Christmas gifts!!! Spoonflower ID is Giddy99
1 reply
OH! Those are awesome, and awesomely funny, too! I'm anxiously awaiting warmth, light and color (vis a vis flowers, grass and more birds) - same as everyone, I think. :) These hand towels were an awesome find, and I would LOVE to win, but I think I might have to borrow that idea and stitch my own, if I don't win... think anyone would mind?! Cheers!
Giddy Jones is now following Snifferooski
Sep 14, 2010
Oh, I "get" it. The pleasure of embroidery, combined with the guilt that we really, really should be doing something else less selfish... I completely understand. But look at it; look at that embroidery! It's beautiful! And YES, I just got my Molly pattern in the mail yesterday!!! EEEP! :)
Toggle Commented Sep 14, 2010 on Molly Crabapple!! at Needle in Your Eye
Giddy Jones is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 14, 2010