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Giegerich is now following B_Wagoner
Jan 20, 2011
I am in complete agreement with your three answers and in reading Jason Glass's blog so are many, many people in one form or another.
I felt the potential game changer having an online content piece that aligns with Iowa Core could provide yesterday, working with my Algebra teacher in the review of the NROC Algebra course. I think it's a piece of the "change" you spoke to and could be the single most significant catalyst in moving Iowa one-to-one schools forward.
I hate bells as well.
Good luck and great post!
In Response to Three Questions for Iowa
I'm a little late on this, but it's that time of year. My To Do list is getting the best of me. Better late than never, I suppose. Background: Governor Branstad's pick for Director of the Iowa Department of Education, Jason Glass, posed Three Questions for Iowa in a recent blogpost. The respons...
Giegerich is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 20, 2011
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