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Yours was the first blog I ever read and got me blogging... ten years ago! What a lovely surprise to see this pop up in my newsfeed.
Hello, is there anybody out there ?
If there is HELLO ! After a ridiculously long break, due to lack of time (damn having to work), I'm trying to figure out how to use typepad again. Ive chucked the job in and am going to have a go at being self employed, wish me luck ! I'll be back soon,, in the meantime I've set up a new page on...
What wonderful sketches - I try to keep sketching but never seem to find the time but having seen your lovely little drawings has inspired me to have another try.
Now why not share the David Tennant...?
The continuing rain has turned my brain to mush and I can't think of a single thing to say. I've been sat here staring at the computer screen and there's not one interesting thought that I can think of. I'm boring myself rigid. We spent the whole rainy weekend tormenting the kitten, watching ...
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